Question re: african clawed frog


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Apr 2, 2008
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Kent, England
United Kingdom
Does anyone know if these can live in a tank with oscars.

Many thanks
My opinion is "NEVER fishes and amphibians in the same tank".
Sure! You'll just have a well-fed oscar.
Or a well fed ACF. They try to eat basically anything that moves.
I don't know if you've ever seen Oscars, but they're about the size of dinner plates.
Yes, my brother-in-law has them and I've seen his ACFs take a bite of them.
African clawed frogs (X.leavis) have a funny defense mechanism called the "claw". I don't know about any of you but if I ate something that had three claws on each back food and was kicking in my mouth, I'd spit it out. They also secrete a foul tasting substance. The tadpoles on the other hand might be an easy meal.
African clawed frogs (X.leavis) have a funny defense mechanism called the "claw". I don't know about any of you but if I ate something that had three claws on each back food and was kicking in my mouth, I'd spit it out. They also secrete a foul tasting substance. The tadpoles on the other hand might be an easy meal.

Yea but if they constantly find themselves in the mouth of an Oscar they're going to stress out. And let's face it, fish are dumb the Oscar's won't learn. THe memory if a goldfish is what, 15 seconds?
ACFs and fish are possible in one tank.
Minimum tank size: 100 gallons (400 litres)
Fish: at least a length of at least 3 inches (8 cm), peacefull, group fish, ...
Setup: a lot of several plants, hioding places, slow filter, ...

But itsS always a test!

Bye Martin
I thought that I was going to have a nice peaceful 100 gal. with fish and snails and dragon gobies and ACF, then one day all the fish were gone except the big ones. And they were scared for life.
I never saw a thing except for a ACF that was as big as my hand. After SHE ate all my fish.
I wouldn't do the fishy and froggy thing, if you love them both. Miss Piggy tries to eat other frogs, but not on purpose.
Yea but if they constantly find themselves in the mouth of an Oscar they're going to stress out. And let's face it, fish are dumb the Oscar's won't learn. THe memory if a goldfish is what, 15 seconds?

That is not true. Goldish actually happen to have a good memory that can last up to three months, read here:

Fish aren't that dumb you know.

But either way, I wouldn't reccomend keeping an African clawed frog with any bigger fish or fish that it can swallow. Even if it could claw the pharyngeal walls of an oscar, it could stress out both animals.
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