Question: Question about treating water


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Jun 30, 2011
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United Kingdom
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Hi, I just got a new tank which I need to fill up to check for leaks and a huge piece of mopane bogwood. I have two simple questions to ask about these :happy:

1. When filling my tank, is it okay to use non treated water? The axies wont actually be going in that water and it will be emptied and refilled with treated water when they will go in it.

2. When soaking my mopane wood, should I use treated water for that or will untreated water be safe?

Thanks in advance!
When I say 'treated water' I mean dechlorinated water, probably should've specified that :D
You can fill the tank with regular water, add the dechlorinator in about an hour or so before the axies and it will be fine.

For the wood, I have done it both ways and have never seen a large difference. You have to let the wood soak for a few hours to a few days to a few weeks depending on the density, size, and type of wood so you should be just fine. Also, you will keep changing the soaking water due to leached tannins so you would just have to keep treating it anyways or just treat the "last soak" bucket if it will make you feel better.
It depends a bit upon how your water is treated.

If it's chlorinated, you probably won't even need to treat it. Letting water stand for a few days will leave chlorinated water harmless. If your water source uses chloramine, you absolutely need to use treatment product. To be safe, I'd always throw some Prime will also help with ammonia spikes.
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