Question about C. orientalis....



I have a 20L that's one side water and the other land with a piece of bark with java moss growing on it. My problem is I have 7 C. orientalis that won't come in the water. I know that newts go through "land and water phases", but I'm worried about them eating. All seem healthy, they stay huddled together under a coconut hut. I have a 100g Duette underwater filter set to the lowest level possible for a low water flow. I added some plants to my land area and a decent amount of java moss in the water area. Any one have any ideas why they won't go in the water?
how high is the water level? Isn't that a rather small aqua-terrarium for 7 newts?
I think maybe he means "20-long" (in gallons), not 20-liter. If the temperature is hot, newts will head to land. Also, if you just got them, stressed newts will head to land. There are some suggestions here for getting them into water:
Yes, I'm sorry I didn't clarify, it's a 20 gallon long tank. Five of the newts I have had for a while, at least two months. The other two I purchased a week to two weeks ago; however they were quite active in the pet store. Now they all are out of the water. I've had newts to stay on land before but they eventually came around. I'm just worried because they haven't eaten in a while, but they are quite active if I uncover their coconut hut hideout.
Since you live in VA Beach, I know you can get live fruit flies and pinhead crickets at Animal Jungle. I suggest offering those until you can get them back into the water. Also, live blackworms offered in a shallow dish with pebbles will work; it helps to put a cover over the dish, so it's both a hide-out and an eatery.
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