Nice, Mr. Fancy-newts! Have you thought about setting up a separate tank for a few of the most stunning specimens and trying to breed them with each other? I know what you're thinking, like you really need another tank setup!
But seriously, you're the only one that could do this experiment! Do the most colorful ones have colorful offspring?
hehehe...I'd sure like to oblige you but that would contravene my noble principles and steadfast beliefs, beauty being only skin deep and in the eye of the beholder, what really counts being what's inside...and all that X:#"*$
But seriously, I really should establish a separate breeding tank for the five or so exceptionally striking C.e.p on my stud farm (though currently none are laying).
And perhaps the hybrid C.e.p eggs could be auctioned off one-by-one to the highest bidder, the proceeds donated to Then again, maybe I'll just opt to become an overnight millionaire considering the prices these beauties fetch here in Japan...
I'll try to post a pic soon of all five together.
On whether the offspring of heavily gold-flecked C.e.p tend to be more colorful than usual, I really don't know if that's the case but would assume it's likely.
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