PTN: Broken Leg????


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Aug 6, 2009
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New York
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I have a small padde tail newt, maybe 3 or 4 inches. Neko (the newt) Has been "walking" with her back left leg of the ground and hugging its tail in a streamline-esque position. Theee is nothing on her skin like brusing (can newts bruise?) to indicate that something is wrong.I just got her (I think its a her) last friday. Anyway, I'm really worried that her leg might be broken or something! Should I interveen (if so, how?) or just let nature take its course. :confused:
I dont think theres much you can do. All I can suggest is keeping the tank clean and the newts well fed and in a peacefull environment. And hope the newt stays healthy long enough to heal. Most likely the newt might just saty healthy but lame in that leg.

Good luck :)
With all due respect, I would like an answer from a more relable source. If anyone lese has any advice, please write t here.
Also, Neko has no tank mates, however she was in the car w. me for 2 hours because we moved winished moving today. She just started walking/swimming odd after the 1st hr of the trip. (At which point we stoped in a hotel for the night.)
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the condition is limb rot. please help!!!
The newt is probably WC and suffered poor conditions before you got him. Did you check this out? so, PM one of the vets here or one of the more experienced moderators, members. Are you sure it's limb rot? Is the leg disappearing or unusable? Is there a white appearance as in a flesh-eating bacteria?

Good luck,
If possible, try to upload a picture, it will help ascertain the problem.
Pachytriton labiatus are rarely sold at a small size...most if not all are adults(quite larger than 3-4inches), so i suspect you might have missidentified it(just a possibility though).
Pet-shop newts are WC and limb rot is very common among them because of the stress and neglect they suffer during importation and in the shops.
The usual treatments for limb rot include salt baths, chlorine baths or even dirt treatment(for semi-terrestrial species).
I would say for you to consult a professional before saying what your newt is suffering from. Good Luck to you and your newt.
All the conditions listed by dana appear on my newt. What ever it is is effecting all four limbs. I have neko in a kritterkeeper with very wet paper towels and the peice of driftwood she is always on. (i sanitized the wood and tank. the water is purified via activated charchoal pitcher filter (brita)
i will upload pics as soon as my camera has a charge.
i have another thred here that Jannewt responded to and suggested that it is limb rot.
neko looks like all the other paddle tails that i have ever seen, in all respects except for size. her tankmates in the petshop were rofley the same size. she is (i measured)4 in w. tail and 2in w/o it (she has a tail) she is less than half an inch accross.
how can i pm the vets? (i am inner nyc and my family cant afford to bring neko to a vet.)
i am woried about salt baths. is it really okay for neko? i thought that their skin is verry porus???
thank you so much for all your help!!! neko thanks you, too
In the future, Temperance, please do not post 2 separate threads discussing the same problem.

This is the other thread where I suggested limb rot:

Salt baths are safe if you use the right amount of salt and set a timer so you don't accidentally leave the newt too long in the salt water. But if you aren't comfortable with that, don't do it. There are fish store antibiotic products you could try.
Neko passed a way last night betwene the hours of 2am and 10am, eastern.
She is enjoying the big terrarium in the sky.:angel:
We thank you all for your help.

The double post was not intentional. I made this thread when I saw Neko trailing her leg behind her. Then when I saw that the same leg had no foot, I started the other thread. I did not make sence of it. It was truly a mistake, and I appoligise.
I'm so sorry. Many times, the conditions in which these WC animals are kept are deplorable. Truly, only a small number survive. Check out the ads here and try to get an animal from a breeder to be sure it's in better health.

I'm very sorry.
Sorry Temperance. Newts often arrive in pet shops in poor condition and with pre-existing infections. It's sad.
Thank you for you condolences, and thank you for your efforts to help Neko.
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