Since it's easier to find larval than adult Pseudotriton I decided to construct a morphing tank for some.
The idea was that the space below the slope and dry land would be dead air (dry false bottom), but I kept getting minor leaks and had to scrap that. Next time I will use solid plastic sheeting instead of the mesh which should make it easier to seal and take a lot less silicone. The filter is a Top Fin brand, works awesome and is cheap. I still need some cover both in the water and on land. Notice how my son has already hijacked it for some newts!





The idea was that the space below the slope and dry land would be dead air (dry false bottom), but I kept getting minor leaks and had to scrap that. Next time I will use solid plastic sheeting instead of the mesh which should make it easier to seal and take a lot less silicone. The filter is a Top Fin brand, works awesome and is cheap. I still need some cover both in the water and on land. Notice how my son has already hijacked it for some newts!