Pregnant fire salamander questions...


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Jul 1, 2010
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Charlotte, US
United States
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Hi everyone, I recently obtained what I was told is a pregnant female fire salamander.....I've had her about 2 months now and she is VERY FAT (about 2 inches in diameter) also she's the largest fire salamander I have ever seen....about 7.5 inches long and much bigger than either of a 8 year old breeding pair of fire salamanders I saw for sale at a recent repticon reptile show in town. I have a water dish with about 1 inch of water for her to have babies....but still nothing after over 2 months. I mist the tank daily and the temperature is a steady 69 degrees F. Does anyone know how long it takes for a fire salamander to have babies?( I have no idea when she conceived). If anyone has any advice on care for a pregnant fire salamander it would be appreciated. Also, is it odd she only likes crickets? She doesn't like earthworms for some reason like most do. :confused:
Sometimes take longer. Try to post some pictures. I will tell you if is indeed a pregnant fire salamander or a is fat/bloated one.

I dont have as much experience as other members here (Ian Rigsby is Dr Dolittle as far as breeding success is concerned) but many things can vary with different animals even of the same species.

I had 1 female that we purchased when gravid (pregnant) who had been in a damp Viv without a water dish and as soon we popped her in a make shift 'birthing pool' (Small aquarium tipped up at one end with approx 2" of pond water at one end and with Kitchen roll and bark to allow her safe access into and out of the water) in a quiet darkened room she proceeded to lay THAT NIGHT and the following 3 nights with a total of 75 young.

However, 2 others (Incl one we have now) showed signs of being Gravid (Swollen)for months (in one case nearly a year after being with the male) before eventually giving birth, even though we had provided a suitable body of water during the whole time.

My humble advise would be to be patient, dont disturb her too much and make sure the body of water is big enough (minmum 6" diameter, preferably twice that as long as its not too deep, and with safe ledges or areas wher she can sit with her rear quarters under the water but her head out...both ours gave birth that way).

Also ensure she gets natural day and night with regards to light. And keep her cool.

Its a bit like a woman....except the salamander wont dig her nails into your hand during childbirth and tell you never to come near her again whilst squeeling the place down! (I have 2 lovely children so speak from experience!! he he)

Good luck and make sure you have a good supply of Daphnia, Blood worms etc for when the little monkeys do finally hatch....they are so hungry in the first few weeks they will be eating each others arms if they cant get a supply of food!


Here's some pics of her...I apologize for the poor quality taken from my cell phone. She is about 7.5 inches long (19 cm) and as you can see quite plump! Does she look like a healthy gravid female? Not just bloated?:eek: She's eating crickets well and and seems doing well otherwise.


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Also, if any fire salamander experts are out there can you confirm the subspecies by my pics? Salamandra salamandra salamandra Correct?
I do believe it is S.s.salamandra.
It doesn´t look like bloat, but it doesn´t necessarily mean she is gravid, she could be just very well fed xD
If she is a recent import (real pitty if she is, though.....), then she may be gravid.
In regards to a potentially overfed condition; she has stayed about the same size since I got her....I feed her twice a week about 4-5 large size gut loaded crickets...and occasionally she'll eat a couple of meal worms (but refuses earthworms). I'm not overfeeding right? She will gobble them up as quick as I can feed her with the forceps....but I don't want to make her obese of course. How much/often should you feed a big (most likely gravid) fire salamander like her (Sally :p)? I have not tried to keep feeding her in one sitting until she refuses...because she has quite the appetite. Any thoughts on this from members with Fire salamander experiences?
My lot are rather fond of food, I suspect it is their nature. I feed mine mostly an earthworm every 2-3 days. If I have collected anything else ( woodlice, slugs etc. ) I put them in with them. Mine are still juveniles however, I do monitor their girth quite regularly.
Don't worry, is not bloated.
Like Azhael say, it look to be a little bit overfeed, but also is a big chance to be pregnant.
Good luck with Saly :happy::happy::happy: an keep us posted with her progress
AW: Re: Pregnant fire salamander questions...

Its a wonderful Salamandra Salamandra female; do you know the weigth ? I add a picture from a "normal sized" terrestris,
hope to hear from you - ummi


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UMMI- I have some digital scales at home so I'll weigh her tonight when I get home from work....I would estimate she's over an once (28g). By the way that is a beautiful fire salamander you have there! I wish there were more subspecies available here in the US...but it doesn't seem like there are many people breeding Fire salamanders here for some reason :confused: Hopefully mine will have lot's of babies so I can try to work out a trade(s) for a different subspecies fire salamander (or exotic newt) from a fellow forum member! :D That's my plan anyway to spread the joys of fire salamander keeping to the US!
AW: Re: Pregnant fire salamander questions...

This terrestris male is 8,86 inches long (22,5cm).
The young female is probably pregnant - we will see in march hopefully,


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Just weighed Sally...twice to make sure: 48 grams!:blush: She's almost 2 ounces! Hopefully most of that is offspring; or I have one fatty salamander! Does this species lay larva or are they mostly developed baby fire salamanders?
This subspecies lays aquatic larvae (there are others who don´t) and you should get quite a decent number of them, too.
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