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May 18, 2011
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United States
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Hey all, so after my fail of 9 unfertilized axie eggs. I have decided to get some Triturus Marmaratus juveniles from Tim on kingsnake. I have read the Caudata culture article and would like to see your adult and juvie habitats. The ones I might be getting are 1 to 1.5 inches In length. I have heard that people have different opinions on how to house them. I will be starting them out in a critter cage or a 10 gallon. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Your online friend

I keep mine in a large 30 gallon rubbermaid bucket with a large driftwood piece, some moss, and weeds from my garden. I feed them blackworms, chopped earthworms and small worms, and isopods. I have an album of them on my profile if you're interested. They are probably the gems of my small collection.
I looked at your profile. I only saw a album of Plethodon Cinereus and eastern spotted newts
Hmm. That's weird. I have like five albums. Did you access my whole album area? Here's a pic of one of mine.

Just realized that it was a crappy picture.

Beautiful specimens. Who did you get them from? Or did you breed your own?
Oh I found it. I love this really bright one.


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I got them from Neotonic_Jaymes. They're all beautiful. I p;an on breeding them by early next year. Perhaps we could swap some along the line to mix bloodlines? Marms are my favorite caudate right now.
Anybody else?
Here is what I am thinking about doing. I made this on google sketchup 8. It is to scale of a 10 gallon and everything. The plants arnt the same as I would really use.mbut it gives you a general idea. Do you guys like it?


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I keep mine (10 of them) in a 20-ga long tank with ca. 2 inches of soil, moss cushions I collect outside and change out once a month or so, cork bark and some wicked moss-covered moose bones. Earthworms and isopods live in the tank. The earthworms process the soil and hide underneath bark and moss, where the newts find them. I also feed additional earthworms and blackworms on pieces of paper towel ca. once a week. Temperature is around 60 F. There's no lighting except some stray light from a nearby N-facing window. They eat and they grow, eat and grow. They've lived in there since they morphed in May 2011; they are now 12 cm and sexually maturing. The pics below are a few months old, when they were a bit smaller.

They are fat, gluttonous slugs and I loff 'em:

small attached pic shows the whole tank





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  • hhlarmore:
    Had a question that I just want to be sure of. My marbled newt is a little over a year old and has started to develop and I noticed that he is starting to swell a little below his abdomen. I guess I’d like to know if they are his testes or if I need to be concerned.
  • FragileCorpse:
    Guess no one answers anything here, gonna have to make a post I gues
  • SkudulfXD:
    Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot yet, so I'll ask here, I'm a first time Axolotl owner, and my dad used to run an aquarium store, anyways... Orca, my Axolotl, seems to loose parts of her toes on one limb from time to time, I can't seem to find the problem. Tempature is well, she doesn't seem to have any infections or anything, though. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vet in Brazil for amphibians that are in a reasonable distance to drive without stressing Orca out too much
  • Toast69:
    Hello, I’m hoping for some advice please. Our Axolotl is about 7 months old. Till now no problem. Eating, growing and happy. He’s simply stopped eating. Everything looks fine, his gills look healthy and no apparent signs of sickness. He just swims past the pellets and bloodworm like he can’t smell it. I don’t think it’s a blockage either. Any ideas and suggestions for treatment would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  • Olivia:):
    what is the best thermometer for my axolotl tank? preferably on Amazon, and can you show me a picture or a link:) thank you!
  • Olivia:):
    Also should I have a fan hitting my axolotl tank 24/7?
  • thenewtster:
    does anyone know how to care for mud salamanders:)thanks.
  • thenewtster:
  • thenewtster:
    how long do mud salamanders live
  • thenewtster:
    im new to the salamaner comunity
  • thenewtster:
    hey guys, again im resarching mud salamander babys and there care:)
    thenewtster: hey guys, again im resarching mud salamander babys and there care:) +1