Possibly gravid C.Pyrrhogaster?


New member
Apr 19, 2009
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Ontario, Canada
Hey guys,

I just got 4 Japanese Fire Belly Newts last Friday and I'm not expert but I believe I have 3 females and one male. I am positive one is a male anyways because of the little extra piece of skin on his tail and his cloaca is very large. Anyways, they are all doing great and eating very well but there is one female that looks kind of large. She's a bit bigger than the others so I'm wondering if she is gravid. She gets around fine and eats perfectly.

Here are some pictures of her. (This is not her habitat, just where I took the photos.)




All help is appreciated. :)
There's a possibility that she could be gravid; although, to me, she just looks very well fed.
She looks pretty much like my C. pyrrhogaster when she was gravid. Give her some nice plants to lay on and see what happens.
She could very well be gravid. However if she is not given proper care and suitable laying places she might not lay a single egg, so make sure you are providing all the necessary stuff.
Also, you shouldn´t handle your newts, it´s stressing and potentially dangerous for their skins. Try to leave them alone.
Best of lucks!
She could very well be gravid. However if she is not given proper care and suitable laying places she might not lay a single egg, so make sure you are providing all the necessary stuff.
Also, you shouldn´t handle your newts, it´s stressing and potentially dangerous for their skins. Try to leave them alone.
Best of lucks!

I know it is stressing and I don't normally handle them but I couldn't get a picture of her while she was in the tank.

And thank you for all the help you guys. I don't have any live plants so I will be going either tomorow or Tuesday to get some for her.
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