I just saw some exciting behaviour from my Cynops tank - my male pyrro has been courting. I've only had one lone female for 14 years up until this last spring so this is new to me. He was really harassing one of the females this morning before I left for work,and just now when I went to check on them I noticed something on another female (my oldtimer) I have never noticed before. Her cloaca seemed to have a small whitish object just barely protruding from it. I am hoping this may be a spermatophore that she has picked up, but didn't know if the sperm would be visible after she had picked it up or if it takes time to completely absorb. I am mildly concerned that if it is not a spermatophore that she could have a prolapsed cloaca as I know this can happen in newts. So what do you all think? Medical emergency or just a pair of happy honeymooners? Thanks for any comments or ideas, Heather