poor axolotl hatchling on instagram struggling to eat bloodworm...

Autistic Catholic

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2022
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United States
I am so distraught. I saw this newly hatched axolotl on IG the other day and it was struggling to eat a bloodworm, the size of which was bigger than it's head! When I merely mentioned to the owner that he might try cutting up the bloodworm as it's very clear from the video that the newly hatched lotl was struggling to eat it, couldn't swallow it, nipped at it, nothing, he just started treating me with such utter rudeness that I had to block the guy.

It's distressing seeing a helpless animal struggling to eat what should otherwise be a simple meal but I have no idea what else to say to the guy because he clearly is hot-headed and won't acknowledge that what he was doing to the poor animal was wrong. :(

I also mentioned feeding brine shrimp and daphnia but he just lashed out at me, telling me he did that already but is trying bloodworms. I don't think it's wrong to feed them bloodworms but he was clearly uninterested in what I was saying (IDK, maybe others disagree on feeding newly hatched lotls bloodworms). All I had mentioned was that cutting up the bloodworm was better since the worm was bigger than the head and if you watch the video, the poor lotl is struggling trying to eat it and can't eat it and that newly hatched lotls also generally need live food like brine shrimp or daphnia.

All that I saw in regards to the feeding was this single video of a lotl helplessly struggling trying to eat something too big for it and all I gave was what seemed to be standard recommendation and got lashed out.

I feel so bad for the poor lotl but nothing I can do... :(
I am so distraught. I saw this newly hatched axolotl on IG the other day and it was struggling to eat a bloodworm, the size of which was bigger than it's head! When I merely mentioned to the owner that he might try cutting up the bloodworm as it's very clear from the video that the newly hatched lotl was struggling to eat it, couldn't swallow it, nipped at it, nothing, he just started treating me with such utter rudeness that I had to block the guy.

It's distressing seeing a helpless animal struggling to eat what should otherwise be a simple meal but I have no idea what else to say to the guy because he clearly is hot-headed and won't acknowledge that what he was doing to the poor animal was wrong. :(

I also mentioned feeding brine shrimp and daphnia but he just lashed out at me, telling me he did that already but is trying bloodworms. I don't think it's wrong to feed them bloodworms but he was clearly uninterested in what I was saying (IDK, maybe others disagree on feeding newly hatched lotls bloodworms). All I had mentioned was that cutting up the bloodworm was better since the worm was bigger than the head and if you watch the video, the poor lotl is struggling trying to eat it and can't eat it and that newly hatched lotls also generally need live food like brine shrimp or daphnia.

All that I saw in regards to the feeding was this single video of a lotl helplessly struggling trying to eat something too big for it and all I gave was what seemed to be standard recommendation and got lashed out.

I feel so bad for the poor lotl but nothing I can do... :(
i'm 90% sure i saw that exact post + comment in passing. there is so much axolotl abuse on instagram, recently i've been seeing a lot of the same video of dyed axolotls having water poured over them so they swim around. it's awful
It was the Stewie the Puffer character, right? I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it looked like animal cruelty. He named the axie "Rocky". Poor Rocky...I hope the owner either changes or rehomes the animal. It now makes me wonder about the puffer too...
It was the Stewie the Puffer character, right? I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it looked like animal cruelty. He named the axie "Rocky". Poor Rocky...I hope the owner either changes or rehomes the animal. It now makes me wonder about the puffer too...
i just saw it in passing, so i couldn't be sure. was it a leucisitic?
You're absolutely right in suggesting that cutting up the bloodworm might have been a more manageable option for the hatchling. It's important to consider the well-being of these delicate creatures. If you're still looking for information or advice on this matter, I have a suggestion for you. You can reach out to online communities or forums dedicated to axolotl care. There, you'll find experienced enthusiasts who can offer guidance and share their expertise. Did you know that you can buy cheap Instagram views? It's a method some individuals use to boost their content's visibility on the platform. While it's an option, it's important to prioritize the welfare of animals and provide them with the best care possible.
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