Poisioned Newt HELP!


New member
Mar 22, 2009
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New Hampshire
United States
I made a background for my newts tank. I used stuff that was recommended by many people. I put my newt in the tank for about five hours. He stoped moveing, so I took him out. He won't walk, and barely lifts his head. He also had a film all over him. I rinsed him off and took all the film off, except on his eyes I didn;t want to touch them. I put him into a differant tank. Does anyone have suggestions as to what to do now?
what stuff did you use? what materials did you use?
I used a water based minwax sealer, and non sanded groutn, and water based non toxic acrylic paint.
WHO told you minwax was non toxic?

NONE of what I read on your list are items i'm used to seeing in tank setups.

did you allow all of this sufficient time to cure? did you rinse it well?
Yes I left it for three days, I rinsed it. I just don't want my newt to die.
which of the minwax sealers did you use?

.."water based minwax sealer, and non sanded groutn, and water based non toxic acrylic paint"

I'm really leaning towards the minwax being the culprit, i'm not sure you can do anything except supportive care - unless you want to take it to a vet.

you may be able to help support it with pedialyte as it attempts to expunge the poisons from its system.
You are skipping a lot of questions.

1. who told you to use these products?

2. which minwax sealer did you use?

3. a vet visit?

bathe it. unflavored pedialyte bath. put him in it for a few minutes
Several people on the internet told me to.
It was the Water based polycrlyic
Our exotic vet is not open on sundays
then you should put a call into his office asking for adcvice.

people on the internet. the infamous "others".

thats not really answer.

the minwax site says it dries in hours but something is wrong. What else is in the tank?
Just 2 aquatic plants. There were some forums that suggested it. I just joined so it was no one on here that told me to use min wax.
my only suggestion is to scrap the tank and get the newt in some pedialyte. BUT your best bet would be to call your amphibian vet and get a recommendation.

A suggestion from the chatroom is holtfretters solution and/or ringers solution - use the search function.

Good luck.
I agree with Sharon - the best you can right now is to keep the newt in a clean environment and hope that it is able to clear the toxins out of its system. I haven't looked into the details of using Pedialyte, so I can't give advice on that one. How long had you had the newt before putting it into this new setup?

I'm sorry you got such bad advice on another forum. None of those products are ones I've ever heard recommended for aquariums.
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