I kept myself busy taking pictures of my Pleuros. It's the first time I really tried to do a decent photoshoot, even though my skills and material are limited.
Still, I hope you'll enjoy the show.
First, a lign up of my pleuros. You'll notice not all of them were as cooperative to get them meassured.
I'll demonstrate the two easiest ways two sex waltls.
First by figure. As I suspect the female to be gravid, the difference is even more obvious.
You can also sex them by looking how they stand on their frontlegs. Males position their legs wider and thus "walk" lower to the ground. Females don't see the need to walk this sturdy. (unlike the fatter belly, you can tell this difference by juveniles, though it's not easy for an amateur like me)
The common name for waltls is Ribbed Newts. Couldn't leave you guys without a close up of that reason, could I? In nature when they are attacked, they can spike their ribs through their skin, which should force the attacker to reconsider his attack. The ribs are marked by the orange/brown dots. When I take them out of the tank I can feel the ribs very well, but they don't use them.
And a shot of the skins structure
That's all folks
Still, I hope you'll enjoy the show.
First, a lign up of my pleuros. You'll notice not all of them were as cooperative to get them meassured.

I'll demonstrate the two easiest ways two sex waltls.
First by figure. As I suspect the female to be gravid, the difference is even more obvious.

You can also sex them by looking how they stand on their frontlegs. Males position their legs wider and thus "walk" lower to the ground. Females don't see the need to walk this sturdy. (unlike the fatter belly, you can tell this difference by juveniles, though it's not easy for an amateur like me)


The common name for waltls is Ribbed Newts. Couldn't leave you guys without a close up of that reason, could I? In nature when they are attacked, they can spike their ribs through their skin, which should force the attacker to reconsider his attack. The ribs are marked by the orange/brown dots. When I take them out of the tank I can feel the ribs very well, but they don't use them.

And a shot of the skins structure

That's all folks