Plethodon hubrichti bred


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Jul 1, 2008
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Roanoke, VA
United States
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After a few years of trying. I finally got my Plethodon hubrichti (Peaks of Otter Salamander) to breed this year! Seems moving them to the basement where they were exposed to temps that ranged from a low of 2C to a high of 26C was the key. As far as I can tell, this is the first time this species has been bred in captivity.


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Thats awesome! Was there only the one hatchling? Did you see the egg-cluch? How many adults do you have in the group?

Thanks for posting!

From an adult group of 2:3, I got about 20-ish hatchlings. I never saw any egg sacs. I honestly didn't expect them to lay this year either so I never bothered looking, I just happened to notice a hatchling walking around the tank about a month ago.

I had to wait to post this cause I needed to give away the offspring first.
Congratulations Justin. You truly seem to be a trail blazer when it comes to breeding native species!
Awesome!!! Great work!

It really seems like a big temp fluctuation and a good environment are key to plethodontids. Thanks for posting your success!

You truly seem to be a trail blazer when it comes to breeding native species!

The sucky part though is that as soon as they breed it puts me over the legal limit and I immediately have to give them away. I had to visit someone out of state just to see what my CB opacum and maculatum looked like after they morphed. :(
I think we should rename Justin as the GreatwteBreeder! Good going Justin, another species you've accomplished.
Its great to see someone working with native species, esp. Plethodon. Va`s 5 limit rule makes it hard for someone breeding native salamanders to keep much of their clutch, but its great to see that you are still breeding this interesting group.:cool:
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