caudatadude28 New member Joined Jun 25, 2008 Messages 794 Reaction score 14 Points 0 Age 31 Location Northern Wisconsin Country United States Display Name AJ Jun 24, 2009 #1 Can plecos be housed with newts? Eastern newts?
O oregon newt New member Joined Feb 2, 2008 Messages 589 Reaction score 16 Points 0 Location Maryland Country United States Display Name Will Jun 24, 2009 #2 Not at all. First, they get to big for the average aquarium. Second, there have been reports of them sucking on a newt's skin.
Not at all. First, they get to big for the average aquarium. Second, there have been reports of them sucking on a newt's skin.
will_j Salamandra Enthusiast Joined May 7, 2007 Messages 72 Reaction score 1 Points 8 Age 35 Location Debrecen, Hungary Country Hungary Display Name William Jones Jun 25, 2009 #3 yep, bad idea. enjoy a single species tank.
Greatwtehunter New member Joined Jul 1, 2008 Messages 2,297 Reaction score 91 Points 0 Age 42 Location Roanoke, VA Country United States Display Name Justin Jun 25, 2009 #4 BAD IDEA AJ! Not too mention that if the Pleco is small enough to be eaten it can cause some serious damage to the newt with it's spines.
BAD IDEA AJ! Not too mention that if the Pleco is small enough to be eaten it can cause some serious damage to the newt with it's spines.