New member
I have a sexually matured female about 10-12 ins long and shes about 10-11 months old i would guess.. so to make a long story short we got her from a pet store knowing nothing about axolotls AT ALL!! just got her thinking she was going to be an alpha and eat all my guppy babys .. man was i wrong and man did we find a new love. so we did looking up on this site and anytime we had a question we always came here .. Never had any problems until last week. I noticed her swimming a lot and went to check her. she looked fine just gills were redder then i liked . so looked it up and after reading did some water changes.. all was fine for a few days then all the sudden same thing.More water changes and everythings fine again.. couple more days pas and i notice this time her tail was super red and had a small hole in it? we started freaking out looking up what was wrong and cant find anything about her tail just a bunch of stuff about the water,we started a "nursery" tank ( a little 10 gal we had) dropped temp and shes been fine in it for about the past 24 hrs water is fine and she started eating again. but now i dont know what to do or what was wrong with her to begin with .. anyone know what going on with her?.. as of right now i am at work but i know since ive been here a while you guys are going to ask for pics and i will get them ..