Question: Please help with my axie eggs.


New member
Jun 12, 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi Everyone,

I acutally typed out a message yesterday but I seem to have took to long and when I tried to post it I had to log back in then it disappeared!
Anyway, I have been a member of this forum for a while but always found the answers to my questions regarding Herbie (my wildtype axie) just by searching on here, so thanks very much everyone!

I have recently become interested in breeding and have just received my first batch of eggs! :D
Although now I have a problem! I asked for them to be delivered to my work as I knew I wouldn't be at home for the post and didn't want to leave them with the post office longer than they needed to be!
I have just opened the tub to make sure my little axies are ok and it looks as though some of them might have already hatched! :confused: The breeder said they were laid on the 3rd of August so do you think they might have been traumatized by the travel and hatched early?
I cant tell if they are still in their eggs or not but there are two groups of two at the top of the water, there are a few others in the tub that look the same size as the other four and then lots of eggs which I can't make out if they have life in them. I've only seen 1 axie move, one of the four at the top flicked for just a second but I'm worried what I can do with them if they have hatched!!
It is hard to see in the tub and I don't want to aggravate them more by trying to see if they are still in their eggs or not, but they are not curled up, the four are fully stretched out.
I'm at work so have no access to dechlorinated water and no food! I didn't expect them to have hatched already!
Is there anything I can do to keep my axies happy till I finish work??
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense at I wanted to get help as soon as possible so have rushed the post a little bit! Please let me know if you need more info, I wish I could take a picture!
Thanks in advance for any advice!

hi there
sounds like some have hatched ! I had a few that hached after 9 days as well
Are they not in water ? They should be alright in the water they came in for a while and they wont need fed for a day or two so dont stress about feeding them ! They have a egg yolk that will feed them for the first day or two
I am by no means experienced I just been raising my first batch myself and have got to 4 weeks now and still have over 60 alive (phew)
good luck with your babies !

Thanks for your quick reply! they are in a little water (not much!) they are in a container, inside the container there is a plastic bag (like a sandwich bag) and then inside the bag there are the eggs and some water and the bag was tied.

When I untied the bag the water does smell a little, is it possible some of them could be dead? I can't see them moving but I have read that they don't move much at first. They were posted to me on Monday looking at the stamp on the packet.

You have made me feel a lot less stressed than I was before though so thank you! :D Hopefully they'll be ok until I get home! wow 60! I have 30 and i'm nervous! ha ha!

Good luck with yours too!! :happy:
Try and find somewhere cool to put the container until you get long as they don't get over heated they should be fine.
Thanks Julia, first thing I did! :D

Well I managed to finish work early, got home and sorted them out, four have hatched and are alive :happy: another 5 hatched but were already dead :( then I have about 7 that are uncurled but are still in their egg sacks, some are moving about but can only go in circles due to their casing, what should I do with these? should I wait and see if they hatch naturally in the next couple of days? or do they need a little help?

I have just been to the pet shop to buy some Daphnia, some of the bags I have bought have black/grey creatures in, they look like they have hard shells, some are much larger than the daphina but they move in the same sort of way only much quicker.
I wanted to use some of these bags to start culturing the Daphnia but should I remove anything that isn't Daphnia? I don't know whether these other insects will breed too and if my Axies can eat them or if the other creatures will harm my Daphnia culture!
I have tried to take a picture but my camera isn't good enough, could anyone please let me know what I should do?

Also this may sound like a stupid question but when I am transferring the Daphnia from the bags into the tank I have set up for them to breed should I also put in the pinkish water that they are in when I've bought them or should I rinse them off?

Thanks again! :D
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