Illness/Sickness: PLEASE HELP, Sick Tiger Sal.


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Jan 27, 2009
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United States
I posted last week my concerns over my sick tiger salamander...he seems like hes unable to open his mouth at all..he lunges towards food and makes desperate attempts to open his mouth but it wont open...he also isnt losing any of his bulk after not eating for atleast a week...he was always very healthy and a good eater.

i lost another tiger salamander to a similiar problem...ive completly cleaned his tank and filled it with fresh(moist) coco-fiber, and brand new cork bark to hide under along with a brand new reptile water dish that he occasionally take a dip in...i tried to keep his new habitat as simple and clean as possible.

i bought some small crickets and attempted to feed him today with no luck...still cant manage to get his mouth open...i cant afford to go to a veternarian and the local humane sopciety doesnt deal with exotic animals. i feel terrible for the poor guy..if anyone has any idea of what this could be or any possible treatments i would greatly appreciate it.

he also seems lathargic...just hiding under his cork bark, also his eyes seem a little cloudy, somtimes gooey....thanks for any imput and im open to all ideas...i would hate to lose this guy...he and i have been thruogh a great deal of moving, and hes been the only thing consistant in my life over the last couple of years and i would really hate to lose him.
Have you used the search function? Is a vet out of the question?

If he were mine, I would rinse him in safe water and double check for contaminants in his enclosure and food source.

Do a search for "lethargic tiger sal, tiger salamander" and see if any apply to your animal.
Pictures might help...
Just to clarify, hiding under his cork bark doesn't mean he's lethargic. Tigers are known for burrowing and not being seen often.
yes ive been searching online and lookin all over the web for help.....thanks for the advice. and also i understand they're a lethargc breed but i mean hes extra sloth-like..ive had him a few years so i kinda got a good feel for how he acts.
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