Illness/Sickness: Please help, my new axolotl stopped eating...


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Jun 4, 2014
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Hello, I hope someone can help me. About a month ago, I purchased a six-month-old axolotl from a private owner. I also took his original aquarium set-up. He was eating frozen bloodworms and had a great appetite until about a week ago. Since then, he hasn't been eating nearly anything...I tested the water, and the parameters seem fine. What can I possibly do to help him? I am very worried...
What are the exact parameters? pH, temp, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?

Also at 7 months am axolotl should have already been switched to either earthworms or an axolotl pellet diet.

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How big is the axolotl? When my axolotl got around 4 inches he showed less interest in the black worms I fed him. I swapped him to pellets and short after to red wrigglers after a bit of a struggle.

Maybe you can try worms like red wrigglers or Canadian nightcrawlers, or something like Hikari carnivore pellets. My axolotl lately isn't taking the red wrigglers for no apparent reason, but he still loves the hikari pellets.
Hello, and thank you so much for responding; I am thrilled to have a community to turn to when I have questions or concerns:happy:

Luckily, he started eating the other day!! I was on the phone, in the process of scheduling an appointment with a vet, when he came to the front of his aquarium, looking for food. When he is hungry, he comes out and lifts his adorable little face. He ate half of a cube of thawed bloodworms, and then ate the other half later that night, and he has been eating ever since that time.

My water pH is 6.9; ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate all read at 0. My water temp is currently steady at 68 F. I think what happened is that my roommate was turning up the thermostat to 72 F - 74 F while I was at work, and it was too warm for him. I have since adjusted the vents in our condo so that most of the A/C is directed into my room, and now everyone is happy.

I did order axolotl pellets online, because I couldn't find axolotl, or even salmon pellets anywhere in my area (I live in the DC region). I ordered them nearly a month ago, but still haven't received them. I did speak to the vendor, and was told that a new batch would be sent out to me. I'm kind of nervous about feeding him live worms because of the risk of parasites, and having a worm farm in my place is not really feasible.

My axolotl is a little over 5 inches long, and he is somewhere between 7 and 8 months old. He is leucistic, and his eyes are dark with iridescent gold rims. He is a beautiful, perfect little creature, in spite of the fact that he only has 4 toes on one of his back feet...probably the result of some juvenile cannibalism. I love the little guy, and I truly appreciate the both of you responding and being there.
I'm glad he started eating! Hopefully he gets on pellets soon

As for worm farms they are so easy and take up such little space that I had mine from when I was in my dorm room to now in my apartment. If fed the right amount the worm farm will not smell or bring bugs.

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Hello and thank you, once again:happy: Is there somewhere that you could advise for me to find info on creating a small worm farm? I know that he would be thrilled to have some live food. Lol, it's funny, he stares at the fish in the aquarium close to him...unfortunately for him, they are also my pets...and also much bigger than him ///:p\\\
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