Hello, and thank you so much for responding; I am thrilled to have a community to turn to when I have questions or concerns:happy:
Luckily, he started eating the other day!! I was on the phone, in the process of scheduling an appointment with a vet, when he came to the front of his aquarium, looking for food. When he is hungry, he comes out and lifts his adorable little face. He ate half of a cube of thawed bloodworms, and then ate the other half later that night, and he has been eating ever since that time.
My water pH is 6.9; ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate all read at 0. My water temp is currently steady at 68 F. I think what happened is that my roommate was turning up the thermostat to 72 F - 74 F while I was at work, and it was too warm for him. I have since adjusted the vents in our condo so that most of the A/C is directed into my room, and now everyone is happy.
I did order axolotl pellets online, because I couldn't find axolotl, or even salmon pellets anywhere in my area (I live in the DC region). I ordered them nearly a month ago, but still haven't received them. I did speak to the vendor, and was told that a new batch would be sent out to me. I'm kind of nervous about feeding him live worms because of the risk of parasites, and having a worm farm in my place is not really feasible.
My axolotl is a little over 5 inches long, and he is somewhere between 7 and 8 months old. He is leucistic, and his eyes are dark with iridescent gold rims. He is a beautiful, perfect little creature, in spite of the fact that he only has 4 toes on one of his back feet...probably the result of some juvenile cannibalism. I love the little guy, and I truly appreciate the both of you responding and being there.