I have recently bought some newts as pets, I live in Japan and I have fire bellied newts, three of them. Two of which seem to be quite happy in their environment. They eat regularly, they seem comfortable with one another, but I have a problem with my third newt. He isn't growing and he isn't active like the others. I've also come to notice that he has a rather large bump on the end of his tail. I'm rather concerned and I'm not sure what to do about him. Currently I have him separated from the others as I am afraid this may be a parasite or some kind of unhealthy growth. I have pictures of this bump if you would like to see it. Also, I can't really return him anywhere since I bought him from a Japanese Festival, and the store that sold him to me is usually located in Shibuya. I live in Shinjuku, the distance is actually pretty far, but if I have to go I will.. I really am afraid though that they just will flush him down a toilet or something.
Do you have any suggestions on what I should do? Is it okay to put him back with his other newt friends?
P.S. Right now I have him a tupperware, just in case whatever he has in contagious. If I can do something about it and I need to keep him separated, I'll get him something nicer asap.
(Message edited by jennewt on September 13, 2005)
P.S. Right now I have him a tupperware, just in case whatever he has in contagious. If I can do something about it and I need to keep him separated, I'll get him something nicer asap.
(Message edited by jennewt on September 13, 2005)