The best thing to feed your Axy is worms, but my axy's favourite is frozen fish. That axie is about 22 cm long and is growing slowly. I was originaly going to name her "roundy" after the container I carried her home in a year ago (when she was 6cm long), but now I've thought that's not such a good name. Feeding your axies liver can give them gas in their digestive tracts, it is also really fattening. Also your axies may not be deformed, because 6 cm Axies actively cannibalise eachother, if you seperate them out they should go back to normal but often + or - a few toes, because even though they are capable of regenerating lost parts, it's not always perfect. Earlier this summer I bought two more axies in the hope of finding her a mate, but they've all turned out to be girls.