Plants for my 10 gallon C.O. tank



I have a 10 gallon tank that is 1/4 land and 3/4 water with 8" of water. It currently has 4 White Clouds in the tank and I'm getting a pair of Chinese Fire Belly Newts for the tank.

I was just wondering if there were any aquatic plant suggestions you had for the tank...

Currently I have the following plants in the tank:

Aquatic Plants:
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Cryptocoryne lucens

For the water-Glosso
For land-don't have one yet... whats a good groundcover moss?

Other land plants:
1 Guzmania Bromeliad
1 small Gesneriad

All the plants in my tank are relatively small so it'll sure be fun trimming the tank on a daily basis once these plants really take off! So I guess any suggestions for plant additions, deductions, swaps, groundcovers and aquatics are welcome and appreciated!

gabby m. }
some of these plants are tropical if i remember rightly, and they might not do very well in cooler climates. Ficus pumila (creeping fig) is excellent ground cover for the land area, hornwort is very good for the water area and pothos (devil's ivy) is also very good for either the land or the water, as long as some of it is out of the water
I use baby tears for cliffs and slopes. i love the way it looks. My grandmother use to grow it in her garden in Colombia, thats where I got the idea.
hmm... i'll should probably switch out all the tropical plants then for more plants more suitable to a cooler climate.

which of the plants that I have are tropical? What are some better plant alternatives?

Is living sheet moss okay for a groundcover?

For aquatic plants is the glosso okay? What about ludwigia, anacharis, dwarf sag or java fern??

Are there any ferns that are okay and which ones?

Are their any Aroids or other plants with big leaves that would suit a cool environment and which ones?


living sheet moss is fine for groundcover and almost all ferns are good plants to have as long as they are not in to much light.
Anacharis, or Elodea densa, is a good plant for lower-medium light levels, and does very good in cold water. It is very easy to grow and grow fast as well. I would refrain from getting dwarf sag as they need higher light levels (2.5 WPG or more), and is a tropical plant.
I personally like a species called Arum italicum. I suppose it's because i like to keep the plants and animals in area specific environments. It does well in damp, shady and cool conditions and is absolutely beautiful. Arum maculatum and Asplenium scolopendrium are fantastic too!!!
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