Plants are dying


New member
Jan 24, 2016
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United States
My tank is 3 weeks old.

My plants are afflicted by a strange condition. The leaves turn darker green, and then get transparent and very flaccid along with the attached stem.

This began with just one type of plant in the tank ( a small leafed variety) which all were from the same package and separated around the tank.

Now, all the plants besides the grass are having this happen to them.

I do not think the issue is light because I have 2 LED lamps above the tank which I used for my last tank, and also to grow terrestrial plants successfully.
Any ideas on why this is happening.

I do not yet have newts or any animals inside the tank. I think the issue may be iron deficiency. I can buy a bottle of iron supplement for aquariums. Is this safe to use if newts will be going into the tank.

Any help is appreciated!
What types of plants are these? It is normal for many kinds to die back when disturbed or moved.
It could be the light as well. Many aquatic plants grow in full sunlight, while many plants used in terraria grow in the understory where there's very little direct sun. Consequently, there are a fair number of aquatic plants which require strong lighting. Whether two LED lights is enough depends upon the color spectrum and light output of them.
Make sure the LED is full spectrum as Frogeyes said. 6500K. There should always be light in the aquarium, even nighttime there should be some blue light. Plants produce oxygen, but they use it themselves as well.
Are you supplementing the plants with CO2? Unless your sticking with the cheap pondweed stuff, your plants will need carbon dioxide. Either by a diffuser, or an inorganic carbon.
It's necessary to know the exact names of the plants and where they come from.

Many aquatic plants proposed for aquariums are in fact semi-aquatic and they are grown in humid terrestrial conditions. Once put in an aquarium, they sometimes need several weeks (and a lot of light as FrogEyes just said) to adapt to their new conditions.

If they have been grown in aquarium for a long time, they may be already adapted.
In my 2 10 gallons I use fluorescent 60watt equivalent and one with a red and one with a cool spectrum and they do very well.
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