thanks guys. yeah i try to go for the natural look. that tanks been about a year and a half in the making/growing... now i *think* im happy with it.... until i next visit the local aquarium and come home with more plants i cant fit in. lol, now if only i could get rid of the snails...
from what limited knowledge i have of aquarium plant names i reel off a list for you.
the stuff on the root is java moss.
there is some straight valissneria in there, i trimmed it all back though about 2 months ago, it sends out runners everywhere and multiplies like crazy...
there is an anubius on the other root.
i have liliopsis (i think) growing out of the substrate, looks like grass.
a small submersed dracena or some type in the terracotta pot, plus a huge stalk of lucky bamboo (also a dracena of some type) growing half submerged with the leaves out the top.
theres a tiny java fern, slowly very slowly starting to grow now.
there is a small sprig of aluminium plant i took from one of my house plants that im trying to aquatisise, yeah right im paying $8 for a piece from the lfs.
and numerous other little plants i picked up without knowing what they were.
no doubt your local aquarium will probably call them something different anyway.
most of those plants came from one, then alan dug them up and they were re-planted as two plants, and so on and now she's spread them all over the tank.