I finaly finished my planted tank. I think it looks natural enought. I love the black sand i recon its beter that any other. The sand (well it isnt exactly sand but really fien gravel) is made for plants anyway.I got some pictures at the end of the paragraph. Also i add plant food tablets in the ground and add plant suplaments(liquid form) into the water. The plant suplament is this one...
Wat does the 0.15, 0, 0 mean (is that the phosphate etc in it).
Anyway here are picture of my tank. Squidy(white albino male) and mala(female golden albino). Bare with me on the quality
I finaly finished my planted tank. I think it looks natural enought. I love the black sand i recon its beter that any other. The sand (well it isnt exactly sand but really fien gravel) is made for plants anyway.I got some pictures at the end of the paragraph. Also i add plant food tablets in the ground and add plant suplaments(liquid form) into the water. The plant suplament is this one...
Wat does the 0.15, 0, 0 mean (is that the phosphate etc in it).
Anyway here are picture of my tank. Squidy(white albino male) and mala(female golden albino). Bare with me on the quality