I was just wondering if you guys ever have problems with planaria growing in your filters. I have a HOB on my axies, and the last couple times I've cleaned the aquarium I've ended up with clouds of planaria coming out of the filter- hundreds of them! The tank is a bare bottom tank and I remove uneaten food every day, so it's not from leftover food in the tank. I do feed them heavy, but only enough to keep their bellies plump. And if I don't feed them enough it's obvious, because they start nipping at each others' tails. I've had tons of other aquariums and I've never once had a problem with planaria- is it just something odd with this tank & its water, or do lots of axolotl tanks have them? My thought is that they may be more common in axolotl tanks since in other tanks fish eat a lot of the planaria, but the axolotls won't bother with them.