Pipa parva proper setup


New member
Dec 10, 2009
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United States
Does anybody know how to properly set up Pipa parva for breeding? Tank size, dimensions (P. pipa needs tanks tall enough to do their mating dance thing) water chemistry, etc. etc.? I can find almost nothing about them. Thanks.
They can breed in a 10 gallon tank. I have mine in a 20 high. I heat to 77F. They can be warmer or cooler but thrive at 77F. Get a heater with a protector on it so they don't grab hold and get burns. I have a sponge filter in my tank. I feed them salmon pellets and frozen bloodworms. They will also eat earthworms.

They breed easily. The problem is catching the tadpoles without them getting eaten. Tadpoles can be raised on ground up flake food and baby brine or daphnia.


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Michael, thanks for getting back to me about this. One thing I've asked around a bit about is if it's possible to set up something similar to what livebearing fish breeders use, something with a "V" shape and a slot, for the females to be kept in so that the tads would have a chance of not getting eaten - in addition to having plants in the "maternity tank". People have told me that this has been discussed before on this site but I can't find the post...ideas?
That could work. Years ago I was diligent enough to catch most of the tadpoles. My breeders now eat most of the tadpoles. Next year things should slow down and I'll give them a little more attention.
If anybody who's good at tank modification/construction could weight in here, it'd be much appreciated. I'm going to build something...but other than busting a lot of tanks trying to drill them for bulkheads, I have no experience in this area. Maybe I'll post another request for info in a couple of appropriate fora. I've also thought about learning to work with acrylic, as the glued used would probably make it easier to construct something like this...anybody worked with this stuff? Acrylic glue actually "welds" the pieces together, rather than silicone, which has a very weak bond to glass. The chemicals involved in acrylics are really nasty, though.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1