Pics of my new Axies



Greetings Everyone!

I just wanted to share some pics of my new Axies!!



Looking good! Hopefully the legs of mine will be that big when they grow back lol
hey mercedes what kind of plant is that next to the axie in the third pic
nice fellas by the way
Hello Heather! The plant that I have in my tank is called Amazon Sword Plant. It's my understanding that the plant sold under Amazon Sword plant is most often an E. bleheri. This plant will live in almost any fresh water aquarium. Be warned though these plants get very large and will eventually rob light from the lower level plants as my axolotls love because there is a dark place for them to hide. These plants really grow best in 20 gallon tanks or over. Also these plants are really tough and can withstand some of the plant eating fish.
Thank you Cynthia!

You have a couple of cute axies yourself.
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