Pics of my First Newt Tank


New member
Aug 6, 2009
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Hi Friends !

Hope all is well and great !

Just wanted to request you friends to kindly have a look at the pics of my First Newt tank and kindly guide me if there is any thing to be changed or improved. The only livestock in there is a few ghost shrimps for now but I plan to keep it as a species only tank for Newts (as soon as I get them)

Kindly have a look and please let me know what you think...
Regards and Care


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Outstanding. This is a prime example of a well planned set up.
Arent those water Hyacinths? They require bright light and very nutritious water dont they? Most people who have tried those in an indoor newt tank failed. Other than that I think its wonderful.
Hi Friends,

Thanks a lot for the kind words and for encouraging me so much. I'm really charged up now !!!

Yes, they are Water Hyacinths, that I collected from a local water body here. They are weeds in this area but I thought they looked very beautiful in the tank. I can get tons of them whenever I want... Anyways, I think they are pretty close to the lights so will it be enough for them or will I have to remove them ?

The problem is that I cant get any other floating plants in this area and these are all I have. I'll be heart-broken if I cant keep them in the tank. Please guide me Friends...

Thanks again for giving me a great start - I promise I'll give my newts a great life - really charged up now. I really hope I'll be able to get the newts somehow. The problem is that they're the only amphibians available here in pet shops and that too they come very-very rarely (about once in 2 or 3 years) - I'm trying real hard to get them but if I dont get them, then I'll keep a few locally available frogs ( I hope I'll be able to catch a few...)

Lots of Regards and Care to all,
I bet if you talk to the pet shops in the area, they might be able to special-order some newts for you. Maybe not, but it wouldn't hurt to ask! :)
Hi there !

Yes, I've talked to everybody here but here in India the Pet trade is not as developed as many other countries. Here people normally dont keep amphibians and reptiles (one of dearest dreams in life is to have a snake before I die)

I've tried everywhere in the country and I cant seem to find any. They say that newts are imported only once every 3 or 4 years and nobody buys them. I'm really praying to God that I get chance to keep them (even if it is a single newt) atleast once...

Anyways, I'll be constantly searching for them...
Thanks again for caring and for the kind reply...
Regards and Care
Great looking set up. You've certainly put some thought into it.

One area of concern is the lid. Does it allow good ventilation? It looks like the light fitting is housed in the lid which may trap quite a bit of heat. How warm is the air above the water? Newts like it cool so adding heat to the tank should be avoided. Many keepers opt for a screen lid.

Also, newts can climb so the lid must be escape proof and light fittings inaccessible to curious newts.

- Mark
Looking good! I like the bricks and will serve as great hides for the newts. I would heed the warnings of the others with ventilation and heat but otherwise looks beautiful.

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