Photo: pickles, my axelotl and the tank.

my axie007

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Jan 26, 2009
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My axelotl(pickles and tank). What do you think of the set up? Any sugestions?
The tank to me looks lovely and natural looking.
My only query is , do you have stones under the rocks ? If there is it may cause you problems when trying to clean ,as the axolotl 'gunk' will sink among them.
Yes, it is hard to clean. And it is even worth because of the blood worms i give hime they get everywere and make the water dirty. I think the filter is good but I am planing to change to other kind of food any way, do you have any sugestion for what i should give him that would not let the water so dirty???
Earthworms will not dirty the water as much and are excellent food for axolotls. It's not just the food that makes dirt, though - the axolotl itself is pretty good at that, too.

Love the first picture of your axolotl - s/he looks blue-eyed! Is s/he melanoid?

thanks for the tip. But what means melanoid?
Melanoid is a name for a color type. A melanoid does not have the sparkly (iridescent) pigments. The axoltol site has a page on color genetics with a picture of a melanoid axolotl (click here) but I must admit I never seem to be able to read it through. :eek:

A dark (wild) type axolot has little golden flecks across its body and has golden rings in its eyes, around the iris. A melanoid does not have these. I do not see sparkles on your axolotl so I thought it might be a melanoid. Very lovely creatures, melanoids. (Mine are wild types, so of course i think they are lovely, too.)

Are there any kind of salamander that are non agressive and live in the same coditions of the axelotls? do you think an axelotl can live in an paludarium?:confused:
It is generally not a good idea to mix species, for a lot of reasons. Salamanders (and therefore axolotls, too) are carnivorous predators and so whether they are aggressive/territorial or not, they may still try to eat each other. Different types of (mating) behavior may cause problems. Differences in size would be an issue, too, as I believe most salamanders are much smaller than an axolotl. In some cases you may also have incidence of the two species breeding together, sullying the special strains. Et cetera.

I think that if the paludarium is big enough to give the axolotl the room it needs to move and grow and still hold the plants you want, it should not be a problem. I do not think that the axolotl will try to walk up the plants and out of the paludarium. I am sure that there may be smaller, fully aquatic newts that would also work well and not need as much space as an axolotl, but someone else would have to suggest a species because I don't know anything about newts. :eek:

If you set up a paludarium, with or without an axolotl, you will give us photos, right?


I am planing to make a paludarium,but I will buy an other thank I wanted too put some Cynops orientalis in there: Any advices would be welcome:rolleyes:...
I will post when it is done with some photos of corse :D
Since we are in the axolotl gallery here, you might find more help if you ask in the newt help seciton of the forum (click here) - you can also read about C. orientalis (here) in the care sheet at the Caudata Culture page.

that tank is simply beautiful :) what size is it?
I do not know the exact size of the tank but it is 100x45x33 ore somthing like that. I changed it today, not to make a better loking set up but for some more hiding places... he loved it :)

ps:thanks for the coments (almost forgot) he he he
ps2:I will post some photos tomorow

A lot of things changed since my last posts so I dicided to show you all my updates here:
1»I got a female golden albino axolotl to join my wild type guy
2»I got three chery chrimp
3»The axies layed eggs
4»I removed the eggs to a seperate aquarium
5»I got a daphnia culture
6»I got brine shrimp
7»Theire front legs tottaly developed.
8»I changed half of the larvae population to an othere aquarium
9»I started to fed theme with small cuutted blodworms
10»I got a dndrobaena sp worm culture in a vase
11»I changed my set-up of the big guys aquarium (got a solution for the water flow and some more hidding places) and added a christmas moss and a anubia aquatic plant
12»I bought a new camera wich I used to take the next pictures:

Sorry for all the links but I could not just put the picture so watch if you have tha patience...

My waterflow solution (the best way I found it to be efficient and still natural loking):

the lady: entid=6044&stc=1&d=1240095428

The new hiding places and its explorers:

one of the cherry shrimps:

The male:

The couple:

My brine shrimp and system to filtrate them:

PS: I folowed your advice about the earthworms. I have a culture now I can post a video with the axies eating some worms if you want?(they can swallow them without cutting)
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