Photos of my re-decorated axolotl tank


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Oct 29, 2010
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Perth, Western Australia
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I just recently obtained some very fine black substrate, so I decided to re-decorate my axolotl tank, it is planted, and my animal does not seem to uproot any of the plants during his daily activities.

my setup consists of a 50L tank with a hood that contains a bulb that helps with plant growth and a Elite hang-on-the back cascade filter.

I plan on getting a bigger tank as my axolotl grows, he is about 15 cm from head to tail right now, and is somewhat active during the day, and more so in the evening and at night.

here are some pictures of my setup, see if you can spot my axo :happy:


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That looks nice, i really like that plants! mines pretty boring till i get some new things for it.
thanks, my axolotl loves to wander underneath them, and it gives him a place to rest out of the light during the day too.
I like plants, and black substrate etc. very cool. I like your style.

However axies like to swim and the tanks pretty small, you're taking up a lot of the free space with the plants.

They do like climbing to though so...

My other concern is the lighting, to grow anything you're looking at 2,800k to 10,000 not sure what your bulb is, but i imagine it's pretty bright and axies hate bright light. It will also heat your water up, cool for tropical fish bad for axies. Are you sure the light isnt upsetting your axie? When it's on does he panic and bury his head etc?

Still It's cool to be creative. :)
I love the idea of the black sand with a white axie! Too cute! :D
Are you sure the light isnt upsetting your axie? When it's on does he panic and bury his head etc?

The light does not seem to upset my axolotl, he just continues to go about his daily business in the tank, swimming and wandering about and the like, he does climb and sometimes sits on-top of the plants as well.

he also does not seem to panic when the light switches on (its on a time-switch)

I think the light is not much of an issue because he does have the plants to wander underneath, and some of the tank is covered from much of the light from the plant growth.

I just snapped this picture of my axolotl chilling in his little "garden"


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Out of curiosity - what sort of light are you using? From the light/shade in your tank it looks like it's coming from a bulb rather than from a strip light. If it is a bulb have you considered using an energy saving bulb? That wont heat your water and I know from experience your plants will do fine with it.

Also, have you considered lighting from the side rather than the top? This would create a lighter area and a darker area in your tank and then your axie can then spend more time in the shade if he/she wants to.
Out of curiosity - what sort of light are you using? From the light/shade in your tank it looks like it's coming from a bulb rather than from a strip light. If it is a bulb have you considered using an energy saving bulb? That wont heat your water and I know from experience your plants will do fine with it.

Also, have you considered lighting from the side rather than the top? This would create a lighter area and a darker area in your tank and then your axie can then spend more time in the shade if he/she wants to.

The tank is lit with a florescent tube, and the light is built into the hood, so I csnt light it from the side.

I think it looks like that because I have some floating plants.
where did u get black sand from?! though my axie is dark so i use white sand, i would love to mix black in though. lol i think you forgot to plant the plants in the planter xp
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