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Nov 8, 2009
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Anyone else out there in the UK having trouble keeping their tanks cool today?

I have to keep changing my iced objects every 10 minutes! :(

ANNND I have two fans on my tank! The heat is unbearable! Im struggling to keep it at a decent temp. This morning I woke up at it as 24 degrees in my tank! Did a 10% water change and iced it up as soon as I woke!
Yes its been a nightmare trying to cool the tank! I put a small frozen bottle in and it had melted in about 20mins! Amazingly my axie doesnt seem too bothered by it but i will keep with the cooling.
Since having an axie im kind of glad we dont get much sun here most of the year!
My bedroom gets quite warm during the day though as its upstairs and an old place so i ordered a portable air conditioning unit yesterday so soon me and my axie can stay nice and cool. :cool:
One of the benefits of living in Glasgow... No problem with heat whatsoever ;)
Anyone else out there in the UK having trouble keeping their tanks cool today?

Mine was at 22 degrees earlier so I threw in a couple of ice packs and Axel was quite happy sitting at the front of the tank watching pokemon with my littlest boy. During the day the weather has got so muggy and the temp keeps going up so I dug out an old fan to keep him cooler. The water is now at 19 degrees, but he doesn't like the fan much. He has this plastic ball pit ball that the kids put in for him to 'play' with. It floats on the water and he pushes it around, and tries to eat it even though it's blue and obviously looks nothing like a worm. At the moment the fan is pushing it around the surface and it wont stay where he puts it so he's gone and hid under a pot.

But then at least he's using one of the pots I brought him instead of doing his usual trick of sleeping at the front of the tank in his food dish.
Glad im not the only but I am concerned as I just found my tank at 27 degrees!!! :mad: The ice is melting so quickly, dont know whether to transfer him tomorrow to his 'poorly' tub so I can fridge him :( he doesnt seem bother, but I am bothered knowing its so high!!
When I heard we were getting hot weather last week on the news I got a ton of huge bubble bubblewrap and wrapped the back and sides of my tank in about 3/4 layers. On sunday I had the entire family on ice watch whilst I was at work, our freezer is packed full of tubs and bottles! My temp hasn't went above 20 degrees and I am super happy, bloody nightmare keeping it cool but hopefully the hot weather is gone now :confused:
I have kept the tank in a dark room with the blinds and curtains closed but with the lid flaps wide open to catch the breeze. Axies are totally unphased, although one kept swimming up to investigate the bag holding the ice at first lol. Water change day today so might get the tank a little bit cooler than the current 19.

Never thought I would say this but I can't wait for winter!!!!!
You guys got nothing on aus... chillers all the way
Hahaha I bet! Don't think I could cope with axolotl keeping down under. I wish I had the cash for a chiller would be lovely. My tank is at 17 now, I know it's a little off topic but does anyone use digital thermometers? If so can you tell me which ones are good?
I had to take my guys out yesterday as the tank hit 30 degrees. I have never had it get so hot. :eek:
Do check your water parameters for ammonia etc as I believe this can increase when warmer.
Ash, that is a good idea, may have to invest in some bubble wrap! And tell me about it! My freezer is packed with all sorts of iced objects!

Boo Penguin, I don't think I could cope with axolotl keeping in Aus either! Infact, I dont think I could cope! Im a wimp when it comes to the heat! It makes me feel really unwell.

I am using a digital thermometer right now. The lowest you can see it go though is 19 degrees, so I always aim to get it at 19. Its worked fine for me so far though!

Bellabelloo, I've been doing water checks every day since I had to do a whole tank clean, and my ammonia reading as been 0 every day so far! But his tank was at it's hottest last night so I wouldn't be surprised if it was higher today! :cool:
Boo Penguin, I don't think I could cope with axolotl keeping in Aus either! Infact, I dont think I could cope! Im a wimp when it comes to the heat! It makes me feel really unwell.
Hehe its not so bad, then again I didn't get my axi until the very end of summer. But keeping her happy in winter is a cake walk. This summer though I'm definitely getting a chiller.

Oh really, I love the heat (though within reason) but the cold really gets me. I have to really rug up in winter.
Ahhh so lucky! I have an Aus friend and she just told me it's winter there right now. I wish it was winter here now!

Im going to have to save up for a chiller! Yeah see I prefer the winter! You can get all snuggley and cosey without getting hot! I find it extremely hard to cool down!
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