Personalities of different mole salamanders


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Mar 11, 2009
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Chicago, Illinois
United States
So what has everyone experienced with these guys with their activity/personality? I've had a yellow spotted before and found that he was rather shy and did not come out much? What about Blue Spotted Sals, Marbled Sals etc? Are they more active and visible in their tanks or do they hide all day/night like Spotted Sals?
In my experience, marbleds tend to be shy and hide, blue spotted tend to be outgoing and tigers are slimy puppies.
Blue spots are seriously outgoing, as are long-toeds. Just like tigers, in miniature.

Jefferson's tend to hide a lot, much like marbleds and spotteds. Those are the only ones I really have experience with.
Ya I have heard that from other people that Blue Spotted Sals are fairly outgoing. I've always wanted to try keeping Blue Spotted Sals, but have been hesitant because of my experience with keeping a Spotted Salamander and hearing how incredibly shy they are. Maybe it's time for me to give the Blues a try, I always have thought their coloration is absolutley beautiful.:happy:
my yellow spotted usually hides, but with the replacement of his old light with a less bright one, he's been exploring his tank for about two days. and if he is hiding in his coco cave or something he'll come out and walk up to the glass and beg for food. so he's not that shy i guess.
My Jefferson tends to hind under cover objects, as well as my marbled salamanders. The marbleds will come out at night after the tank has been misted.
my blue spotted are some what out going but normally hide during the day but are normall out and about in the evening
My spotted sal is always hiding until I mist the tank and she comes out at night. My ringed sals are fairly active, crawling underneath the moss in their tank to different hiding spots every few days or so and always coming out at night to hunt after misting their tank.
Oh cool! a Ringed Salamander, I have always thought those to be very beautiful looking sals. Do you have any pics by chance? Also, how did u manage to Ringed Sals? WC I'm guessing?
I got my ringed sals from my driveway on a rainy night in November and found another under a brick in the garden in front of my house.


Here is a picture of the male found under a brick.

And here is an older picture of the female, that I found on a rainy November night, eating her worm.

They are picky eaters and only like to eat earthworms but I had some success feeding them woodlice in the past. They also usually like to smell or taste their food with their lips before eating it from what I've seen.
Very very beautiful salamanders, those are certainly some jewels you have there.:D
Wow, those Ringed Sallies are just gorgeous, I've been wanting one for a while.

Marbs are pretty secretive in the day, but when you see it, boy, it is amazing! A lot of Ambystoma are secretive, but some are active, like Blue Spotteds and some others. I don't mind nocturnal animals, I'm a "night owl" myself!
I agree on both points- your ringed salamanders are lovely.

Also, there's nothing cooler in my opinion than waiting about an hour after the terrarium lights go out to see the sals come out of hiding.
My yellow spotted comes out at midnight and will stay till i turn the light or open the curtain. It is always fun to see her crawl at night.
The Spotted Salamander I have pretty much stays in his hidespot all day. However his head is always slightly poking out on the alert for food if it comes his way. On certain occasions I have seen him wander out but not that often.
Oh wow I am so jealous of that ringed salamander! It is so beautiful!!!

Anyways. Both my spotted and marbled are very shy. They only come out for food. My sister has a spotted though and he is more active than mine. Around 8 o clock he comes out and stays out til the morning.
My Long Toed is pretty active when I have him out of his dirt. He likes to walk all over. And then he tends to hide a lot underground lately, so I won't be seeing much of him until I change his soil which is due in late November/early December.
It's funny, everyone speaks of how shy the spotted salamanders are. We just acquired a yellow spotted. This guy isn't shy at all. He's currently small, about 4 inches over all and in a 10 gal aquarium. He's a voracious eater, anytime you remove the top of the aquarium it'll come out looking for food. If you move too fast or bang anything he'll scurry for cover, but he's back out shortly if he thinks there's food to be had. If you stick you finger in front of him he'll actually nudge it a couple times, I suppose trying to determine if you are edible. It makes me wonder if we're feeding him enough. He'll get two or three 1.5 to 2 inch earthworms every other day.
So what has everyone experienced with these guys with their activity/personality? I've had a yellow spotted before and found that he was rather shy and did not come out much? What about Blue Spotted Sals, Marbled Sals etc? Are they more active and visible in their tanks or do they hide all day/night like Spotted Sals?

I have a spotted salamander and a blue spotted salamander right now. The spotted is actually quite outgoing in the early morning. I keep him in a room with the window open 24 hours a day in an attempt to simulate his natural habitat and in the early morning right when his light turns on and the air is cool and crisp I can usually find him walking around on his moss under the pothos leaves or swimming in the water. However the blue spotted is extremely shy and I almost never see him :(.
It's strange how different the personalities of the same species can be. I'm happy to see (from most people) that Blue Spotted Sals are fairly active and outgoing, I'm looking forward to keeping them in the near future.
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