Pellets for C. Orientalis and C. Cyanuras


Active member
Apr 9, 2009
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United States
I feed my 2 Cynops species on a diet of mostly tubifex/black worms, daphnia, and maybe 2 times a month earthworms from the backyard. But recently, my daphnia cultures crashed and I wanted to try shrimp pellets as a 3rd food source because I just don't have the time to maintain the daphnia and green water culture I feed them with, on top of my newts anymore. The brand I got is HBH Shrimp Pellets, tropical fish food designed for bottom feeders. It contains, shrimp, krill, squid, and spirulina. I was wondering if this would be suitable for my newts. Also whether they would accept them, and if not, is there any way to train them to. What brands have you guys been successful with?

I did not find a section specifically for pellets, so I posted it here, thinking it's the closest one, hopefully that's alright.

My orientalis will occasionally take catfish pellets, and they can be tweezer-fed with 'reptomin' sticks. The catfish pellets are just a cheap generic one from my local aquarium shop.

You might be able to train them by mixing pellets with the tubifex/blackworms.
I wouldn´t use any pellets that are not carnivore specific. I´ve used axolotl pellets and they are eaten well, although their taste for them varies with time.
I have got some "reptofrog granules-complete food for aquatic frogs and newts", i got them for my X.laevis froglets who never ate them lol. Would they be ok as an emergency food or as part of the diet for my C. Orientalis?
Ian, what are the ingredients/nutrition %'s?
Ian, what are the ingredients/nutrition %'s?

protein 39%,crude oils and fats 9%, fibre7%,moisture 8% and added vitamins and trace elements. There is a picture of an ADF and fire belly on the front lol but i dont necessarily trust any product because of the packaging. I am feeding my guys up with live daphnia and frozen blood worm as they are underweight, this would be an additional food when they are recovered if it is suitable.
I tried feeding the shrimp pellets to my newts and only 1 of the Orientalis took them. I will try to feed some blackworms with them next time and see what happens.
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  • AxieCrazy:
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1