Patchy skin problem on FBN PLEASE help me


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Feb 19, 2011
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The Woods in Southern Quebec, near Vermont
My Newt has had spots on his side for about 3 years, they were small and didn't bother him for all this time, until recently. They always looked like blacker patches, just darker, and small... now the shed isn't coming all the way off and bits of it stay on the black part... there are more spots than before. They bother him now, he itches at them and I saw him trying to bite at a spot not long ago.

What could this be? I NEED to help him! :eek::( He's my Power Newt and on the 26th. I will have had him for 9 years. I absolutely adore him and would do anything to fix this problem.
Please help me to fix him up if possible.

oh ps. they seem raised now, and not flat like they were for so long... they start flat, he has a new flat one...
You should consult a veterinarian. The fact that the spots are changing in size and shape, and now seem to be irritating him indicate it's some sort of growth or tumor. A vet, even if they know nothing about salamanders, will at least be able to tell you what they are.
Skin problem on FBN PLEASE help me, I have pictures now.

My almost 10 year old FBN male has a patch of skin that looked darker for at least 4 years... maybe even 6 years... it's finally changed and now looks as though the surface skin won't fully shed off, leaving fluffy skin stuff behind. It's making him itch or something because he bites at it now and then. The rest of him sheds normally though.
Now he has a black patch up higher on his side that wasn't there before.

Taking him to a vet isn't really an option. There are only cat/dog vets here and I absolutely can't go near them due to severe allergies... (I could even die... even from second hand contact... ) also money is really not plentiful... not to mention they're all french... and I don't understand french.... :confused:

He eats, is robust and cute as hell.
I read somewhere that methylene blue could help, but I want to know more before I try anything... I don't want to make him worse. He is a very quiet loner type of fellow and takes a massive kicking, screaming fit if I bother him... I almost never bother him.
When I clean his house or move anything he has to go around checking everything out... surveying every piece of gravel to make sure things are just right.

He has a lot of live plants, most are many years old, nothing new introduced really... there are 2 other males in the tank with him... I think they're going to be 8 years old soon.

My female tank doesn't have any of the spots that I've seen, there are 5 of them, and they're about 4 - 5 years old. I raised all of them but Power Newt... he's the original that I bought.

The glass needs cleaning and looks fuzzier in the second picture, but it's the glass... the first picture is pretty accurate as to how it looks.

Thanks for anything you can tell me.


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Re: Skin problem on FBN PLEASE help me, I have pictures now.

This is an old post, but it's been 2 years now. :p crazy.
The spots turned into a wet looking spot I thought was *the shine*
It made shedding hard and started looking bad. I tried amoxicillin, Triple sulfa, API fungus cure, and it didn't work.
He went terrestrial after being in water for a few years.
Finally tried the Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Polysporin, I was concerned that it had Vit. E and olive oil etc. in it, but that was the only kind without the painkiller that kills Newts potentially.
Right at first after using it 3 times or so, the spot got a hole in it and scared the hell out of me. I was so upset. More days pass, and the hole closes up, the sport starts to shrink, and it is smoothing out.
It looks so much better today. I finally think it's going to really get better soon. So it anyone has any of those little spots, deal with it NOW!!
I have pictures in my album of the shiny spot.
I know it's not contagious because he always sits with his eldest son on the moss and it's been many years. They are always together when on land and I check on the other one a lot to make sure nothing is wrong.
Power Newt is now hunting worms like a mad man and looking good!!! :D:D:D
Somehow I didn't see this reply for 2 years.
I'm finally fixing the spots. Polysporin!! :)
The vets here know nothing about Newts, they can't even tell you what end is the one that eats I think... It's better to take them to a pet store even...

Also none speak any english... we had such a hard time with the dog, they couldn't figure anything out with her at all... ended up fatal... because of their stupidity...
I have no faith in them at all... anything medical here is warped... :errr: Human, mammal or amphibian! But I'm so glad he's doing better now!! :frog:
I joined your posts together :)

Brilliant update, thank you for letting us know.
Thank you so much! One of my axolotls has had a large amount of bobbles on it's skin behind it's back left leg, they look the same as on your salamander just more in one area but have never increased in amount or size and are the same colour as the skin of the axie. They haven't ever caused any discomfort but they have always worried me, hopefully I will be able to get rid of them.

P.S This axolotl was bought for me after another beloved one died I was sad for a long time and I still miss him (died of the fungi, the other two tanks mates were cured but he had it all over his mouth and skin was down to his jaw bone, died after a few days, I still feel like I never did enought to try to prevent it), I don't want to lose another axolotl to a skin infection. :happy: Thank you!
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