Question: Parasites in my substrate?


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Sep 13, 2009
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I lifted my rock feeding dish and found tiny, tiny little bugs in the substrate. They are probably as big as this period. . But i can see them and they are kinda white-ish brown. Should I change my substrate? What are they?
Do not panic hehe.
An stablished tank contains a variety of microorganisms that are in fact benefitial.

These articles might help you identify them:
Caudata Culture Articles - Aquarium Invaders: Algae, Snails, Worms and Other Critters
Caudata Culture Articles - Aquarium Invaders: Photographs

Except a few exceptions, like Hydra, these microscoic fauna is absolutely harmless for caudates, and as i already mentioned, are actually benefitial, because they help managing organic matter in the tank, and make it altogether a more natural space.
If you start to observe a huge bloom of these creatures, you may want to increase the frequency of your cleaning schedule and partial water changes, as it will most likely be caused by an excess of food in the tank. Otherwise, don´t mind them.
It sounds like they may be springtails. Google "springtail" image and see if that's what they are. If so, they are actually edible.
For your sals, of course.
I read those earlier, but haven't seen these little guys in those pictures. I was just worried if they were if they would bite the newts. My littlest one still hasn't ate anything btw! I am trying brine shrimp in a small water bowl but the other keep getting into it too lol.
I suspect Dawn is right, they most probably are springtails (i had overlooked the fact that is a terrestrial tank....doh). You can check if they are by disturbing them and checking if they jump..if they do, they are springtails. Springtails are not only edible, but very benefitial for your tank. They´ll keep fungae under control.
Brine shrimp isn't really an adequate food for terrestrial species. Try offering chopped worms. If the little one is being bullied, remove the others from the tank (DO NOT remove the little one) and offer him food in his tank. This keeps the big ones from bullying the little one, and keeps the little one in his 'home space', so he's not too much disturbed that he won't eat.
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