Paramesotriton hongkongensis



Hi warties fans,
some poor photos of 25 days old egg:

laing female:

and a male:
Great photos Juraj! Is this the first egglaying of your animals? How do you keep them?

Please keep us updated on the egg-development.

Excellent Juraj! Good luck with them!
Lucky! Did you actively breed them or did they lay after buying or did it just happen? If it was deliberate how did you do it?
Any chance of sending eggs to the UK?
Thank you guys,
I`ve got these animals since February 2003, they are probably wild caught, bought in pet shop. I keep them fully aquatic in 100l heavily grown tank. Temperatures are 22-26 °C summer, 15-17°C winter. Food: mostly nightcrawlers during the summer and tubi or frozen blood worms in winter.
The male got his breeding dress and started tail fanning within October and the female started to lay in December. First few eggs were not fertilized.
She has laid over 50 eggs up to now. Three of them are hatched now. First embryo hatched in 36 days pretty vestigial and died soon. Second seem vestigial too, still alive, third seem to be o.k.
Great photos.
Good luck with the eggs and larvae.
Do you have any pictures of there setup?
good luck with those little guys a had a batch of hongkong eggs hatch a few months ok they are very very hard to keep alive. Almost everyone of them died but i have 2 left and they morphed about a month ago one crawled out a tiny hole and dried up the last one is doing fine. The only way i could keep the larvae alive was in a 10gallon tank with lots of plants and a hingdown filter. I hope this helps you alittle bit.
I can't send you a private message - what is your email address (tell me via a message)
The male started to molest female

sniffing eggs, trying to eat them

young egg:
your newts look identical to mine.. my paramesotritons must be hongkongensis then. No one has actually given me a definite answer about what species my paramesotriton is.
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