As you may know, two of my eggs hatched (perhaps a little prematurely) a week ago. I have not seen them eat yet. They spend all their time under their shelters of pebbles and only wriggle about when disturbed, always returning 'home'. They are just starting to develop front legs. I have added daphnia and assorted 'pond plankton'. This seems to decrease in numbers, but I am not sure if this is the larvae feeding at night, or the (very low power) bubble filter sucking them in...I have also tried dropping microworms in front of the larvae's hiding place, but to no apparent avail. They are in a 10gall low flat plastic tank, with a clump of egeria, a few pebbles and a bubble filter. The water is changed completely weekly, for dechlorinated, aged tap water. Any wate is removed on site.
Any ideas?
(Message edited by froggy on March 26, 2004)
Any ideas?
(Message edited by froggy on March 26, 2004)