Paramesotriton fuzhongensis trick?



My fuzzies have a tendency to close their eyes when hanging around. It looks like they are sleeping
. When I knock on the glass, they open their eyes and stare at me as if saying "Hey!"
. At first I thought it was something with the water but the caudopunctatus in the same tank doesn't do the thing, so....
My female Fuzhongensis does this sometimes, i've always thought she was sleeping/napping.
Well, as they are nocturnal I should think they must need to rest in the day. My Paramesotriton do the same thing - as do most of my newts. When in breeding mode, this stops and they are always active, buyt for the rest of the year they are very sluggish - brobably a method of making th emost of limited food resources in a stream environment.
Hmm, I haven't noticed this behaviour of my other newts during the day. However, during the night I often find p.waltls resting in strange positions eyes closed. Ok, well not so strange as Isaiah's zen position...
When it comes to my cynops, it is quite difficult to see since they are black with black eyes.

The nocturnal/diurnal thing is fascinating I think, I can swear that my waltls are diurnal.

Shouldn't a newt adjust to being active when food is available? If food is only available at 18(6pm) then shouldn't the newts in question be most active at 18? Is the circadian rhythm an adjustable instinct in newts?

Anyway, my fuzzies suddenly quit taking naps....
At least with closed eyes
As far as I have seen, my Tylototriton have adjusted to become diurnal, but Paramesotriton don't seem to - they are active, but tend to stay under stones until night-time
My paramesotriton are pretty much diurnal, not super active but not in hiding. They hang around on top of stones or on the leafes of anubias or sometimes scavenging around for food.
my Paras are only very active day and night in the breeding season - probably catching up on rest now...
By the way have you noticed how different paras are to other newts in the jaw region?
They have a very powerful bite and can cut fat worms right off - probably teeth of some kind.
My other newts suck more than bite really and swallow worms whole.
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