Paramesotriton eggs



How long does it take for Paramesotriton eggs to hatch . My newt started laying on oct 3 and is still randomly laying eggs everywhere it got to the point that i can't take any more out or i wont have any plants. When should i start a brineshrimp colony or worm colony.
Congrats, chris. After they hatch (probably 2-3 weeks, although I don't have experience with this species), they may still have yolk attached. You may want to start experimenting with brine shrimp hatching now to be ready, but they won't eat until a few days after hatching. Live blackworms (chopped as needed) are your best bet if you can get them. If you want to culture worms, it's already getting to be too late.
Chris, I find it useful to have 2 brine shrimp hatcheries operating at once in case one conks out for whatever reason.

If their eggs are as tough as Cynops eggs, one option would be for you to carefully remove the eggs from the plants, and plop the plants back in the tank when you're done. I think it was
who originally divulged this trade secret to me. Tried it and it works!
I've had Paramesotriton eggs before but can't recall how tough they were....

What kind of Paramesotriton do you seem to have there? I raised hongkongensis larvae before until they morphed...but subsequently failed to rear the morphs. Others here have done it successfully though so pick their brains and think positive!
Hi Tim i think they are hongkongensis but its so hard to tell just looking at the pics on the net. I saw frozen baby brineshrimp today and was wondering if anyone has used them before.
i know know one has posted for ages but post some pics chris...And i think the frozen brineshrimp would be ok but not great ask jen....she will know!
<font color="0000ff">Would it be ok to feed your juvies and larvae sea monkeys? I know sea monkeys are brine shrimp but are they GM Brine shrimp or something please share information on the subject?</font>
Well I only have 2 larvae left they are beauitiful
solid black with snow white gills eyes and mouth. I
just leave them in my 10 gallon with guppies. They
seem to be eating something in there not sure what but
they are doing better then when i keep them in a small
tank by themsevles lost of 15 like that. I think sea monkies would be fine and long as they were small enough
Dean, yes, "sea monkeys" are the same thing as brine shrimp. Brine shrimp (newly-hatched from eggs, not live adult ones that pet stores sell) are good food for larvae. They must be rinsed to get rid of the salt water. They are NOT usually used to feed juveniles.

Chris, glad some of them are doing OK. They are probably eating tiny micro-organisms that live in the tank. You could also throw in some live blackworms for them.
hi. i have 15 paramesotriton hongkongensis larvae. i think they will morph in the next few weeks but i'm not sure what setup i should have for them. at the moment they are in a bare bottom tank with some plants in it and about 2cms of water.
i think i either need a tank with tissue paper on a slant, or a tank with maybe sand, gravel and bark chippings in different areas. with an empty area to put a bowl in for food. all moist of cause. i read that somewhere but now can't find it. can anyone with experiance of p. hongkongensis help.
could anyone tell me where you get non bleached paper to use with the newts in th uk.

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