Paddle tail newt help


Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
United States
I just recently received a paddle tail newt from my lfs. I have a 10 gallon tank that i have it in right now. I have some land where he can crawl around but its mostly water.

So my questions
-is this a good setup
-what should i be feeding it
-how big will it get
-can i hold him/for how long
-How often should i feed him

Thanks a lot

This is my 5th tank that i set up so im running out of room:tongue:
HI xNewtx,

This link should answer most of your questions:

I have a pair. They generally do not get along well, and they can be very aggressive with each other. I have many places to hide in the large tank I keep them in, so it works. They are aquatic, and really don't need any land, just something floating or breaking the surface to occasionally haul out on. I feed mine earthworms, one worm each twice a week, and they look well-fed. I chop it up and put it in a jar on its side at the bottom of tank, so I can clean up easily. Here is a video of my Slimy eating:

You shouldn't really ever need to hold him. Their skin is delicate and they are sensitive to whatever you might have on your hands, and to be sure, they don't enjoy cuddling.

Mine are probably about six inches long, head to end of tail.

Welcome to the forum, and good luck!
cool newt are those the fish he eats..there huge!

how long does it take for them to get to max size.Do they have to go into hibernation?
xNewtx - please check your PMs for a note regarding our post limit.

Newts don't hibernate; many (including paddletails) are fully active and still feed even below 40F. A cold period in winter is recommended but may not be essential.

Ok I have my newt in my bedroom with AC. Is it fine if I turn it on to cool the temperature for him.

My newt

my newt is very skinny and hasnt eaten for 3 days

please help:(
Re: My newt

Please do not make separate threads for every little question. It helps to see what else you've posted. I merged these questions here.

Yes, the AC is a good idea.

What have you tried to feed it?

Please read the FAQs linked in my signature line. This will help with many of your questions.
Re: My newt

I fed it chopped frozen shrimp the day I got it and ate immediately. I fed it one a little to big so I it might be a little full yet. I tryed feeding it a grasshopper but still wasnt interested. So what do you think I should fead it.
Re: My newt

Frozen bloodworms is a good start. what kind of shrimp? sounds like you fed it the kind of shrimp we eat. not a good idea. frozen bloodworms, tubifex, waxworms...all viable options you can find in the frozen section of your pet store.
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