Pac man frog vs pixie frog

I used to keep a pac man frog as left over food disposal when I was raising a number of newts and dragon hatchlings at the same time. It worked quite well!
Never kept a pixie.
Neither right now, but I'll likely get another pac man if/when I get a new dragon.
I have a Pyxie. Used to have a pacman as well, but I like the Pyxie better, I think.
I suppose it depends on your circumstances but for insectoid waste disposal pac mans are unrivalled.
Pac-man frogs are more readily available than pixies in the US, or at least the midwest. Maybe it's different other places?
I saw both at Petco today. The Pacan is a permanent offering though. The Pixie's scientific name was incorrectly labeled Pixus bufo. Come again? :rolleyes:
Pyxie is a more (re)-active frog. They also get less stressed if not provided with hardcore cover.
I raised a pacman years ago and seem to remember not seeing it much once it had some size to it. I currently have a pixie that my wife (then girlfriend) bought at a herp show several years ago. I remember trying to talk her out of the purchase initially (because I knew that I would be the one actually caring for it) but it was either the pixie or a white's treefrog. I used to keep white's for years so I knew that the pixie would be easier to house. I'll have to admit that I really like it now. She (I think) does hide/burrow quite a bit but overall is much more visible than I remember the pacman being.
I have both pacmans (3 actually) and a pyxie frog. I don't like to pick favorites because they are like children to me (semi-serious), but I think if I only had one frog of the two I would have the pacman. S/he is adult size and just generally really neat to look at. The pyxie is much more active at feeding, though. Adult pyxies are supposed to have a terrible bite, mine is a year and a half so I'll see when time goes on. My pacman can draw blood from a bite, though...

My pacman was always buried in the substrate when it was young, and the first 6 months or so you will be looking at dirt. Now he won't regularly cover himself completely although he has the oppourtunity to.

In short, I have both. (Are you looking to get one or the other, Reptile Kid?)
I run a small pet business out of my home and I do not carry pac mans anymore, because everyone has them. It is hard to go into a pet store and not see one. I carry pixies cause they have more personality and they are harder to find. However, I have found a wholesaler so I pretty much hold the market in my county on pixies.
I have a Pacman and he's a brilliant pet. Never had a Pyxie though so can't compare them really, but I think you won't be disappointed with a Pacman.
I have kept both pacs and pyxies in the past - and an adult male pixie is MUCH more impressive than adult pacmans! I would also add that the bites of both species is really painfull, and should be avoided at all costs.
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