Pac-Man Basics


New member
Feb 29, 2020
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United States
I'm planning on getting a baby Pac-Man frog when this COVID-19 šŸ˜· problem starts to calm down (Hopefully before my birthdayšŸŽ‚) and I figured the best time to do my research is when i'm forced to stay locked indoors. After starting my research I've notices that there is a bunch of different and conflicting information or no information and i wanted to ask a few questions so i can get some clarity.

  • What is a good temperature for a Pac-Man?
  • If my house/room is the ideal temperature do i need a heater still?
  • How big of a night-crawler should i feed a baby Pac-Man that's a little bigger than a dime, how often should i feed the Pac-Man?
  • Should the repti-calcium be with out without D3?
  • Can I use untreated top-soil as a substrate, if not then what?
If there is any other advice or ideas that anyone might have for me that would be wonderful. Thank you so much in advance. :)
We just ā€œrescuedā€ a Pac-Man. He is still small (not really sure of the sex yetā€. Heā€™s about the size of a half dollar. We are giving him crickets and meal worms, He prefers crickets. We spray his enclosure every day make sure he has clean water and give him a hide. We live in Texas and he is right by the window so his temp and humidity seems fine.
I'm planning on getting a baby Pac-Man frog when this COVID-19 šŸ˜· problem starts to calm down (Hopefully before my birthdayšŸŽ‚) and I figured the best time to do my research is when i'm forced to stay locked indoors. After starting my research I've notices that there is a bunch of different and conflicting information or no information and i wanted to ask a few questions so i can get some clarity.

  • What is a good temperature for a Pac-Man?
  • If my house/room is the ideal temperature do i need a heater still?
  • How big of a night-crawler should i feed a baby Pac-Man that's a little bigger than a dime, how often should i feed the Pac-Man?
  • Should the repti-calcium be with out without D3?
  • Can I use untreated top-soil as a substrate, if not then what?
If there is any other advice or ideas that anyone might have for me that would be wonderful. Thank you so much in advance. :)
For growing babies I recommend this food, with a few small dubia or mealworms gut loaded as Treats Samurai Pacman Food 2oz
  • What is a good temperature for a Pac-Man? 78-83f
  • If my house/room is the ideal temperature do i need a heater still? Not if it is in the range above. If no then you will need to heat. heat pad attached to side of tank and covered with styrofoam to direct heat into tank.
  • How big of a night-crawler should i feed a baby Pac-Man that's a little bigger than a dime, how often should i feed the Pac-Man? You can cut the nightcrawlers up into suitable sizes, they can manage larger sizes than you think. They are basically a stomach with a big mouth. For a baby every 2-3 days.
  • Should the repti-calcium be with out without D3? No WITH D3
  • Can I use untreated top-soil as a substrate, if not then what? Organic topsoil should be ok as long as it doesn't have large chunks they can ingest. I prefer a 50/50 mix of coco coir and peat moss.
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotlā€™s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1