


one of my males....

Thanks Ralf. These are recent additions. The tank is 1 m long(30 gallons) which is proving much too small for multiple males. I'm going to move them into a larger tank or reduce the number of males. This species seems much more aggressive than caudopunctatus and chinensis.
Nice pics Erik. Sorry to hear they're not getting along though. I've had 3 for a couple of years now, which all get along fine, but I haven't even taken the time yet to sort out the sexes. Perhaps they're all females


my 3 males + unknown (poss female) have got along for 2 years now. The only really aggressive on was a female who lives somewhere else now
Pics of some of my P. fuzhongensis juvies. A "result" of an egglaying in April 2001. They are about the size of Cynops orientalis at the moment and I find it remarkable that they display similar coloring of the cranial and dorsal ridges as Erik's female. They returned to the water this summer and I've been keeping them aquatic since.




Just recently noticed that there even is a small male developing a sheen on its tail and a slightly enlarged cloaca. Put a match in front in the 2nd pic to show the size of the animal. Think I'll have to split them up into smaller groups soon.


WOW. Thanks alot for the great pics Ralf. I am amazed that the male is developing the color on his tail at such a (relative to the adults) small size.

How difficult were the metamorphs to feed?
Yes Erik, surprised me too. Almost never seen the metamorphs feed as they were very secretive. Raised these on collemboles, white worms and occasional fresh batches of moss from the woods. The few times I've seen them snap at white worms they seemed to be rather sluggish. After their return to the water they'll feed on almost anything (just like the larvae did).

Those are amazing ralf, i hope im successful in breeding mine! DO you need to do anything specieal to get them to lay eggs?
Mine havent been terratorial at all, they sometimes bite each other if one smells of easrthworms, but thats it. I feed mine mainly earthworm.
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