Overfeeding? (egg-laying tylo)


Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wappingers Falls, NY
United States
My Tylototriton verrucosus recently laid eggs twice. Perhaps she's got another load coming, I don't know. My question is, should I feed her as much as she wants, even though she is getting huge?
Here's a recent pic of her and the egg thread:


I feel bad not giving her as much as she wants, I'm thinking, she must know her needs, but really...I normally feed the adults twice a week, and fed her three worms on Saturday. On Sunday (yesterday) I gave her another two worms. The worms are the size of troutworms (i.e. not nightcrawler huge, but certainly large enough). Now she's begging for food again. Normally I would feed her tomorrow. But three or four worms in one sitting? During the winter, they might eat only one or two worms a week (that is, I offer more, but that's all they'll take).

Also, Eddie is still eating his normal amount, one or two worms a week. And though those two have always gotten along, if Eddie tries to eat before she does, she smacks him around! And he run and hides until she's eaten her fill!
I dont know alot about breeding but I would say that maybe there is a limmit on how much you should feed, I would think that if she gets too big then it could be bad for her eggs rather than benefit them. If she is healthy (not fat) then her eggs should be healthy thats the way I would look at it, Im sure someone more experienced will reply soon. My verucosus are also that greedy they just look at you with that little face and swim towards you, it makes me feel bad two. Hopefully this will help.
She definitely sounds like a pregnant lady, Dawn.

As far as feeding, if she's still producing eggs, she's going to need that extra intake to manufacture the eggs. If she's not looking supremely obese, I wouldn't worry about feeding her extra. That being said, don't let her guilt you into a dozen earthworms a week either.
Hi Dawn,
That sounds like normal adult T. verrocusus eating behavior. Mine tussle like crazy when they are feeding. Over the winter they really slow down and can go a week or two without eating. Spring and summer they eat a lot. They always eat more when producing eggs and right after. They have to have plenty of food to produce healthy eggs and to sustain them when they slow down over the winter.
Yesterday she ate THREE slugs (about 1 1/2 inches long and thick as my pinky- EACH!) and today she's begging for more (and I gave it to her).
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