Outdoor anole enclosure


New member
May 7, 2007
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United States
Display Name
Joseph S
So after being fascinated by the concept of outdoor enclosures, and particularly how they can allow in wild food I built a prototype for green anoles. They were by far the worst species I could have chosen cause the darned things can fit into the tiniest crevices!

LWH 2 x 2 x 4 with PVC frame. Windowscreen and hardware cloth twist tied to frame and also sealed using Loctite adhesive and Polyseamseal caulking. Wooden frame around Lexan door with lock. Won't bet on it being escape proof yet...haha. I have planted sweet pepper, strawberry offsets, and an unknown vine under it to grow up into the cage and provide much needed foliage. Whole thing sits on several concrete slabs that hopefully will keep the anoles from slipping out from the bottom. I dunno what I will do when they start to lay eggs...guess I will remove those in a seperate tiny screen enclosure if I wish to raise babies. ATM one male and 3 females.

Comments or critique?



Male drinking water off hardware cloth side


No one has any comments? Last I heard everyone is still inside so perhaps I finally anole proofed it.
It looks nice, those are some lucky anoles to have such a large enclosure.
I built a similar set up for my Jackson's Chameleons when I lived in California. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to build such a set up for anoles, I just never lived in a cliamte that would make it worth while long enough!

This is great DIY outdoor enclosure!
Where in CA did you live? I've been told that Jacksons and veileds can work outdoors all year in certain climates. I think are summers are too hot for Jacksons however.
San Diego! The coastal part of San Diego county actually has introduced wild populations of Jackson's and Dwarf Jackson's. Much past 10 miles inland, I agree, gets a bit too warm and dry during the day in Summer.
i give you points for unique:D

very nice! Anoles are beautiful
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1