I just found this web site and I am hoping that someone can help me with my kids' new pet. We were camping near Estacada, Oregon and found a bunch of Salamanders. I know very little about them, but was told that they can make cool pets. I let me kids bring one home and they have named }}him Steve.
The salamander that we have is a greenish color with an orange like underbody. He is about 6 inches long. He has bright clear eyes and is very alert. He has four legs. The front legs have 4 toes and the back have 5.
He appears to "breathe"--I'm not sure how to describe, but under his chin moves and almost balloons like a frog might.
He was found in the water near the docks.
Currently, we have him in a 5 gallon fish tank by himself. I put aquatic gravel on the bottom with a large rock. The water (declorinated)}} level is about 6 inches. I added some of the water plants I found at the lake/resevoir. He seems to like his new home. He spends a lot of time on the rock out of the water.
I really want to be a responsible pet owner so any advise would be greatly appreciated.
My basic questions are as follows:
1. What kind of Salamander do I have?
2. How can I take good care of him?
3. Is it possible to "properly" handle him or should we not handle him at all?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Stephanie in Portland, Oregon USA
I just found this web site and I am hoping that someone can help me with my kids' new pet. We were camping near Estacada, Oregon and found a bunch of Salamanders. I know very little about them, but was told that they can make cool pets. I let me kids bring one home and they have named }}him Steve.
The salamander that we have is a greenish color with an orange like underbody. He is about 6 inches long. He has bright clear eyes and is very alert. He has four legs. The front legs have 4 toes and the back have 5.
He appears to "breathe"--I'm not sure how to describe, but under his chin moves and almost balloons like a frog might.
He was found in the water near the docks.
Currently, we have him in a 5 gallon fish tank by himself. I put aquatic gravel on the bottom with a large rock. The water (declorinated)}} level is about 6 inches. I added some of the water plants I found at the lake/resevoir. He seems to like his new home. He spends a lot of time on the rock out of the water.
I really want to be a responsible pet owner so any advise would be greatly appreciated.
My basic questions are as follows:
1. What kind of Salamander do I have?
2. How can I take good care of him?
3. Is it possible to "properly" handle him or should we not handle him at all?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Stephanie in Portland, Oregon USA