Opinions Please

little high

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Jul 13, 2008
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Gold Coast, Australia
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Hi to all, was wondering if anyone had any opinions for me on my tank, it used to look like the first and second pic, but I finally bought some rocks, like you see in the third pic.
How do you think it looks?
Do I need more hides or caves, for 3 axies?
I have an external canister filter and the plants in there are elodea, banana lilly's and a yellow lilly as well as small floating pond weed.
Opinions please guys :D are much apreciated.


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It looks pretty nice to me Nat!

The rocks and plants work well together and look much better than the first two pictures - if you don't mind my saying so! ;)

Cheers Jacq.
Thanks for the opinion Jacq. Muchly apreciated keep them coming.

The first hides were temperary until I found suitable rocks so I do agree it looked ****, much better now with the rocks.

I'm quite proud of my little axie home. Im really unsure of how to position the rocks and if they would provide enough hidy holes for my axies. I kinda just dumped them in there and went yep looks good. So opinions and sugestions for additions or changes are all welcome.
How planted do axie's like it?
Cheers Nat
How planted do axie's like it?Cheers Nat

I don't think they're that fussed Nat. Axies wander around a lot and blunder through uprooting things - plants serve as good hides though and axies do like to climb them too (well mine do anyway!).

You've positioned the rocks really well - great caves! The axies will love them.

Of course, you're dealing with someone though who changes things all the time in her tanks...:eek:
Looks great. I like the lilly I might try and find one.
looks Much better with the rocks and like you say a few tunnels would make it perfect for them,

On the subject of good set ups how big is your tank in length and Width?
i think my tank needs to be longer and wider its 60cm x 30cm for 3 axolotls i think they would love a bigger tank say 100cm X 50cm for the three?
I think it looks good but I can guarantee it won't stay that way for long..........(will it Jacq will it?) lol I'm always changing my tank around, my poor axolotls must think they have permanently got the builders in!
:lol: Cheers for all the opinions guys.
I was thinking of adding a few more plants propably java fern.

I fell in love with that lilly the moment I saw it, they had just got it in the one in when I bought it.:D Thought my axies would love it and they certainly do love hanging in it and because it has some length the wild type walks the high rope hunting for tiny snails.

It's a Yellow Lilly.

My tank is 4 ft by 1.5 ft and as you see I have the water level resonably high.

I don't really expect the tank will stay that way either. :rolleyes:

Cheers Nat
My tank is 4 ft by 1.5 ft and as you see I have the water level resonably high.

4ft... thats like 1.2m i never knew it was that big, i was talking to the girl at the pet shop who said i can have her 4ft tank with filters, plants and every thing for $100aus sounds like a deal to good to turn down:eek:
Hell yeah awesome deal you would wanna rinse everything clean first to get rid of any bacteria that may be present and might hurt your axies.

I'm on the look out for a 6ft tank now as I have 4 axies.
Thanks Ellen

I would really like to see more pics of tank set-ups on here. When I was setting up I was very unsure on things and a few more ideas and pics would've been nice. If only for inspiration of what you could and couldn't do with setting up an axie tank so they are all happy and well adjusted. I added the new little boy today, he is putting on weight and looking happy.

Thanks again for all the opinions guys
cheers nat
Im embarrased to admit my tank set up is less than ideal.... :( im going to get more rocks soon and more tunnels when i can afford it..
I find i am a compulsive tank switcher with my Axies-poor things must be geting confuzzled, they migrate to the bath for an hour while i clean the tank and when they come back everythings changed around! oh well variety is good.....
:eek: WOW, thanks Eva. :eek: Now do I feel a little silly, or what. Lol

I still would like to see more pics of others axies tanks though. I like to change my tanks around, but I also like to see my axie's all happy in there environment aswell. I'm just so amazed by how mine have changed and grown with the addiction. lol

I started with 1 2ft tank with large pepples on bottom (too hard to clean, and paranoid axie get stuck) went to 1/2 bare bottom 1/2 stones, (as seen in pic with my boy rexy). Then 2x2ft Tanks with 1/2 and 1/2 then 1 with sand then both. Now a 4ft tank with sand and pipes and now rocks. The list just goes on. Was just interested in seeing others Happy Axie Homes. In all varieties :D
Cheers once again


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Hi Nat,

No worries - this website is simply massive. It takes a while to find the locations of all the different types of available information.

You could also check out the Axie Gallery and just kind of stumble about to see what others have posted:

Hi Alliexx,

LOL. Yes, mine look at me as if to say "Oh no, here she comes but she has no food - hit the decks! She's going to change something!"...:rolleyes:

I find i am a compulsive tank switcher with my Axies-poor things must be geting confuzzled, they migrate to the bath for an hour while i clean the tank and when they come back everythings changed around! oh well variety is good.....

If I may, I would strongly advise not to put the axies in the bath. Axolotls are very senstive to chemicals, and the trace elements of residual soap, cleaning agents, shampoo etc that will always be on the bath surfaces exposes the axies to risk of poisoning.

While spot cleaning the tank, the axies can stay in the tank - there is no need to remove them.

If there is anything in the tank though that may pose danger to the axies while you are spot cleaning, such as large rocks that need to be shifted in order to clean under them - you can just put the axies in a bucket or container of the tank water and then transfer them back into the tank when all is well. Just ensure the bucket or container has not been exposed to household chemicals or cleaning agents, it's best to have a bucket that is used purely for your axies and nothing else.

Cheers Jacq.
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