Oops!--He's a Roughy



Well, my baby Taricha Torosa is eating still, only, thanks to several in-depth descriptions from folks on this board, I now know the following: he ain't no Torosa; he's a Granulosa.
And yes, his Mom has quickly learned to beg for food, and is a great pet. And someday maybe his brother (or sister) will finally decide to leave the water for the 1st time as well.
All that said, I gotta say, I have also read up more on the toxicity level of Granulosas, and it is a bit creepy to have something that toxic in my house. I am a bit surprised to hear that they sell them for pets across the country (except for CA). The wife and I are considering trying to have a kid, and this much I know: I would never have such toxic critters anywhere near kids. It'd be like having a black widow in the house. Yikes.
Which is a huge bummer, because these things do make good pets. Just no kissing them...
(someday, when I get around to it, promise I'll put some pics up)
Well, these are only really toxic if you try to eat them, or cut your finger and rub it all over your newt. In the second case, it'll just hurt and your arm will go numb. So unless you plan on feeding the newts to your children, I don't think it would be a problem.

My boyfriend and I have also been considering procreating in the near future, and I have NO qualms about keeping all 4 of my T. grans.
I'm glad they are doing so well, David. I agree with Joan that it should not be a concern for children, as long as nobody in the house handles them (the newts, that is, not the children
). I suspect that a glass aquarium, regardless of inhabitants, poses a greater risk than the granulosa inside it.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Joan S. wrote on Monday, 28 November, 2005 - 22:31 :</font>

"My boyfriend and I have also been considering procreating in the near future, and I have NO qualms about keeping all 4 of my T. grans."<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

"Procreating"? Just how much time are you spending around these newts...sounds like you are becoming one with them or something.
How zen.
Yes, very funny, reminds me of "be one with the force" but in this case, one with the newt..lol

Well, most of my life revolves around science, so I tend to get pretty clinical about things sometimes. But he accepts 'procreation' as a good term for it. lol. I feel so sorry for my kids. They better hope Nerdiness is a dominant gene and I am a recessive carrier, or they're getting a double dose from their parents. Do they make stuffed axolotl toys for babies?
Perhaps one of the reasons that there haven't been more "Taricha poisonings" is that even though children like to put things into their mouths, they tend to stop chewing on something that is squirming wildly and doesn't taste particularly good before they get a fatal dose.

Newts also have the benefit (as opposed to black widows) of not attacking when provoked. I have yet to see a newt fling itself into a person's mouth.
Hi... I am brand new to the forum, but old to the keeping of newts. I have 2 T. granulosa, and 2 small kids. The kids know not to go into the tank, but they LOVE to watch them and tell me what they are doing. I also had a warty newt and some fire-bellies when they were really small. I think kids & newts, even toxic ones, are fine together. Like Joan said, as long as newts aren't made into baby food, it'll all be ok.
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