Hey everyone-
I am an animal science major at Uconn and for my animal behavior class, I have to do a term paper of my choice. So, of course, I am deciding on comparing/contrasting marbled salamanders and fire salamanders, namely in the breeding/mating and rearing of the larvae. I know the caudate central(the site attached to this one) is a good online source, but I have only 2 online resources and need 3 books. I own two books, just ordered 3 more, I was wondering if there are any journals that contain info? Any help on journal issue or anything would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am an animal science major at Uconn and for my animal behavior class, I have to do a term paper of my choice. So, of course, I am deciding on comparing/contrasting marbled salamanders and fire salamanders, namely in the breeding/mating and rearing of the larvae. I know the caudate central(the site attached to this one) is a good online source, but I have only 2 online resources and need 3 books. I own two books, just ordered 3 more, I was wondering if there are any journals that contain info? Any help on journal issue or anything would be appreciated. Thanks.